Moxa Technologies EM-1240-LX user manual Define policy for chain rules

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EM-1240-LX User’s Manual

Configuring EM-1240-LX

Define policy for chain rules




Set the policy for the chain to the given target.


For packets coming into the EM-1240-LX.


For locally-generated packets.


For packets routed out through the EM-1240-LX.


To alter packets as soon as they come in.


To alter packets as they are about to be sent out.


#iptables –P INPUT DROP #iptables –P OUTPUT ACCEPT #iptables –P FORWARD ACCEPT #iptables –t nat –P PREROUTING ACCEPT #iptables –t nat –P OUTPUT ACCEPT #iptables -t nat –P POSTROUTING ACCEPT

In this example, the policy accepts outgoing packets and denies incoming packets.

Append or delete rules:


#iptables [-t table] [-AI] [INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD] [-io interface] [-p tcp, udp, icmp, all] [-s IP/network] [--sport ports] [-d IP/network] [--dport ports] –j [ACCEPT. DROP]


Append one or more rules to the end of the selected chain.


Insert one or more rules in the selected chain as the given rule number.


Name of an interface via which a packet is going to be received.


Name of an interface via which a packet is going to be sent.


The protocol of the rule or of the packet to check.


Source address (network name, host name, network IP address, or plain IP




Source port number.


Destination address.


Destination port number.


Jump target. Specifies the target of the rules; i.e., how to handle matched packets.


For example, ACCEPT the packet, DROP the packet, or LOG the packet.


Example 1: Accept all packets from lo interface.

# iptables –A INPUT –i lo –j ACCEPT

Example 2: Accept TCP packets from

# iptables –A INPUT –i eth0 –p tcp –s –j ACCEPT

Example 3: Accept TCP packets from Class C network

# iptables –A INPUT –i eth0 –p tcp –s –j ACCEPT

Example 4: Drop TCP packets from

# iptables –A INPUT –i eth0 –p tcp –s –j DROP

Example 5: Drop TCP packets addressed for port 21.

# iptables –A INPUT –i eth0 –p tcp --dport 21 –j DROP

Example 6: Accept TCP packets from to the EM-1240-LX’s port 137, 138, 139

# iptables –A INPUT –i eth0 –p tcp –s --dport 137:139 –j ACCEPT

Example 7: Drop all packets from MAC address 01:02:03:04:05:06.

# iptables –A INPUT –i eth0 –p all –m mac ––mac-source 01:02:03:04:05:06 –j DROP


Image 39
Contents First Edition, November EM-1240-LX User’s ManualCopyright Notice Table of Contents Chapter EM-1240-LX Device API Introduction EM-1240-LX Package ChecklistProduct Features OverviewHardware Specifications Product SpecificationsSoftware Specifications EM-1240 Development Kit Embedded Module Hardware Block Diagram AppearanceEM-1240 Embedded Module EM-1240 Development Kit Dimensions Installing the EM-1240-LX LED IndicatorsWiring Requirements Connecting Data Transmission Cables Connecting the PowerGrounding the EM-1240-LX Connecting to a Serial Device Connecting to the NetworkSerial Console Port Reset ButtonInternal SD Socket Additional FunctionsReal-time Clock Getting Started Powering on the EM-1240-LX Connecting the EM-1240-LX to a PCConsole Port Default IP Address Default NetmaskTelnet the Ethernet Interface Dhcpcd -p -a eth0 & dhcpcd -p -a eth1 Ifconfig eth0Installing a Secure Digital SD Memory Card #mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom Installing the EM-1240-LX Tool ChainDeveloping Your Applications StepEM-1240-LX User’s Manual PATH=/usr/local/arm-elf/bin$PATH Compiling Hello.c#make Uploading Hello to the EM-1240-LX# chmod 755 hello #./hello Running Hello on the EM-1240-LXCflags = Make File Example CodeSoftware Package EM-1240-LX Software Architecture Flash Context Flash Address Size Access control Journaling Flash File System JFFS2Additional information about JFFS2 is available at Bin Dev EM-1240-LX Software PackagePtyp0 Ppp Pio Rtc Ram1 Ram0 Null Kmem Mem Cua0 Console Tty ‰ Iptables ‰ NAT Configuring the EM-1240-LXEnabling and Disabling Daemons Example default enableAdding a Web Default Home Page addressLocal Host Packets Define policy rules, and Append or delete rules UsageExamples Define policy for chain rules NAT Example Enabling NAT at BootupDial-in Service Configuring Dial-in/Dial-out ServiceConfiguring PPPoE Dial-out ServiceDynamic Driver Module Load/Unload How to Mount a Remote NFS ServerCd ramdisk Ramdiskupkernel em1240-1.x.bin /ramdiskrebootUpgrading the Kernel UpramdiskUpramdisk Cd ramdisk Upgrading the Root File System & User DirectoryRamdiskbackupfs /ramdisk/usrdisk-backup User Directory Backup-EM-1240-LX to PCChecking the Kernel and Root File System Versions Loading Factory DefaultsMirroring the Application Program and Configuration Autostarting User Applications on BootupCat /etc/version FsversionEM-1240-LX Device API RTC Real-time Clock BuzzerUart Interface UC Finder Windows UC Finder EM-1240-LX User’s Manual UC Finder EM-1240-LX User’s Manual UC Finder Linux UC Finder Editor System CommandsBusybox µClinux normal command utility collection File managerMoxa Special Utilities NetworkProcess OtherSnmp Agent with MIB II & RS-232 Like Group Ip MIB Tcp MIB Udp MIB Snmp Agent with MIB II & RS-232 Like GroupRFC1317 RS-232 like group supported variables Rs232 MIB Snmp MIBEM-1240-LX FAQ Service Information Following services are provided Moxa Internet ServicesMoxa Product † EM-1240-LX Serial Number Problem Report FormProduct Return Procedure