C H A P T E R 1
Using Sun Secure Global Desktop
Sun Secure Global Desktop software (SGD) provides you with secure, remote access to desktop applications running on application servers.
You can be writing a report on a computer in the office, administering UNIX® platform servers on your PC at home, or checking stock databases with a laptop on the train, SGD enables you do all this.
SGD also enables you to run applications over a secure network connection to safeguard corporate and private data.
With SGD, you access all the applications that you can run from a single place, the webtop.
To access a webtop, all you need is a browser with Java™ technology enabled.
This manual guides you through the basics of using SGD. It describes how to log in and log out of the software, as well as how you can use SGD to run applications.
Logging In
This section describes how to log in to SGD and display the SGD webtop.
User Names and Passwords
When you use SGD, you need to know your user name and password for the following servers:
■The SGD server
■The application servers that run your applications