Sun Microsystems 2 NoCheckValue, ClassCacheSize sizeofcache, Classpath see Classpath, TestURL

Page 35

TABLE 2-5SignatureTest Command Arguments (Continued)







Specifies to check the values of primitive and



string constants. This option generates an error if



a signature file does not contain the data



necessary for constant checking.


Specifies not to check the values of primitive and



string constants.

-ClassCacheSize size_of_cache

Optional. Used in static mode only. Default is



1024. Specifies the size of the class cache as a



number of classes to be held in memory to reduce



execution time. Increasing this value dedicates



more memory to this function.

-classpath path

Optional. Specifies the path to one or more APIs



to be tested. Defaults to the classes contained in



the signature file under test. Can contain multiple



directories or ZIP or JAR files. The -package



argument filters the set of classes specified in



-classpath (see CLASSPATH and



-classpathSettings” on page 10). Uses the path



separator appropriate for the platform (identified






Optional. Specifies the directory location of the



signature file as a file protocol URL:






Must end in a trailing forward slash on a UNIX



system or a backslash on a Microsoft Windows or



DOS system.



Required if -Filesis not specified.. Specifies



the name of a signature file to be used.


Required if -FileName is not specified. Use this



argument for testing a combination of APIs

represented by corresponding signature files. Specifies the names of the signature files to be used delimited by a file separator. The file separator on UNIX systems is a colon (:) character, and on Microsoft Windows systems it is a semicolon (;). See “Signature File Merge Rules” on page 11 for details on the rules used for merging.

Chapter 2 Using the Signature Test Tool


Image 35
Contents SigTest Tool 2.0 User’s Guide Please Recycle Contents SetupAndTest Command SignatureTest CommandIndex Vi Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April Table A-1 TablesViii Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April Code Examples Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April Http// Who Should Use This GuideBefore You Read This Guide Related Documentation How This Guide Is OrganizedSun Welcomes Your Comments Typographic ConventionsXiv Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April Signature Test Basics IntroductionMutual Binary Compatibility Check What is TestedClass and Class Member Attributes Checked Mutual Source Compatibility CheckSource and Binary Compatibility Modes Using Custom Signature Loaders Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April Signature Test Tool Basics Using the Signature Test ToolReflection and Static Run Modes Constant Checking in Differing Run Modes Generics Checking in Binary ModePackage PackageWithoutSubpackages Exclude Bootstrap and Extension Classes1Settings for the Setup and SignatureTest Commands JSR 68-Based Merge Merge Command Operative PrinciplesSignature File Merge Rules Element Handling by Merge Using the Signature Test Tool Help Debug Static Classpath path Setup CommandCommand Description Java argumentsVerbose FileName filename ClosedFile File//pathNonClosedFile Package3Signature File Format Compatibility Case Sensitivity of Command ArgumentsSignature File Formats Java.lang.RuntimeException class, orSignature File Contents Signature File Body 4Signature File Content SummaryStrictfp Transient Volatile Synchroniz Native Java arguments Help Debug Static Mode bin src5SignatureTest Command Arguments Classpath see Classpath CheckValueNoCheckValue ClassCacheSize sizeofcacheFormatPlain ErrorAllNoMerge Testsuite-path/tests/api/signaturetest Running a Signature Test With the JavaTest HarnessSigTest-Directory/examples/sampleTCK/tck/tests/api/sigtest FileName ./name.sig Report FormatsSorted Report Code Example 2-1Unsorted Report Example Unsorted ReportHelp Reference path Java arguments6SetupAndTest Command Argument Java arguments Merge CommandHelp Files Write -Binary 7Merge Command ArgumentsQuick Start Examples Example Setup CommandV1.0/example/test.class Running the Setup CommandJavac -d V1.0 V1.0/ This completes the Setup command example Running SignatureTest Without the JavaTest Harness Example SignatureTest CommandV2.0/example/test.class STATUSFailed.3 errorsJavac -d V2.0 V2.0/ Setenv JRE Java-Home/jre/lib/rt.jar Example SetupAndTest CommandRunning the SetupAndTest Command V2.0/example/test.class The API under testCode Example A-5SetupAndTest Command Output Example Running Merge Examples Merge ExamplesA.class Run command #2 Example Result Files Code Example A-7 Contents of ./x2.sig Code Example A-9 Contents of x1+x2.sig Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April Index Sorted report, 24 static modeUnsorted report
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2 specifications

Sun Microsystems, founded in 1982, was a significant player in the computing industry, best known for its innovative technology solutions and workstations, particularly the Sun-4, which represented a key milestone in the company's history. The Sun-4 architecture, launched in 1987, utilized the SPARC (Scalable Processor Architecture) RISC processor, notable for its high performance and scalability.

One of the primary features of Sun Microsystems' platforms was their ability to efficiently handle multitasking and resource management, making them ideal for enterprise-level applications and development environments. Sun-4 workstations boasted impressive graphics capabilities with the addition of advanced graphical user interfaces, support for color displays, and the SUNVIEW windowing system, which enhanced user experience and productivity.

The Sun-4 systems also supported the SunOS operating system, which was based on UNIX. This operating system was engineered for stability and robustness, offering features like multiuser support, networked environments, and advanced security options. Moreover, SunOS provided seamless integration with various programming languages, including C and C++, facilitating software development that aligned with industry standards.

Another standout characteristic of Sun Microsystems was its commitment to open systems and standards. By providing developers with comprehensive tools and environments, such as the Standardized Application Programming Interface (API) and support for networking protocols, Sun facilitated interoperability among different computing platforms. The emphasis on open architecture also meant that customers could easily upgrade their systems without being locked into proprietary solutions.

Sun Microsystems was also ahead of its time with innovations in network computing. Their workstations were among the first to support network file systems and distributed computing concepts, enabling seamless data sharing across multiple systems. With the introduction of the Network File System (NFS), Sun revolutionized how data was accessed and managed across networks, which played a significant role in the evolving landscape of client-server computing.

In summary, the Sun Microsystems 2 and its successive innovations in workstation technology highlighted the company's forward-thinking approach. By integrating powerful performance with open systems, robust operating systems, and advanced networking capabilities, Sun laid the groundwork for modern computing, influencing various sectors from academia to enterprise solutions. Even after its acquisition by Oracle in 2010, the legacy of Sun Microsystems continues to be felt across the computing industry.