Known Issues and Limitations
AMSDK Issues
■“Error displayed when performing AMIdentity.modifyService (6506448)” on page 27
■“Group members don't show up in selected list (6459598)” on page 27
■“Access Manager Login URL Returns Message "No such Organization found" (6430874)” on page 28
Error displayed when performing AMIdentity.modifyService (6506448)
When using AMIdentity.modifyService to set desktop service dynamic attribute on a realm, Access Manager returns a null pointer exception.
Workaround:Add the following property to AMConfig.properties and then restart the server.:
Group members don't show up in selected list (6459598)
The problem occurs under the following conditions:
1.Define a realm with the following realm configuration:
■The subrealm example.com has two data stores: exampleDB and exampledminDB.
■The data store exampleDB contains all the users starting at dc=example,dc=com. Supported LDAPv3 operations is set to user=read,write,create,delete,service.
■The data store exampleadminDB contains an admin group for the realm. The admin group is DN: cn=example.com Realm Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com. This group has a single member, scarter. Supported LDAPv3 operations is set to group=read,write,create,delete.
2.Click the Subjects tab, then Groups, then the entry for example.com Realm Administrators.
3.Click the User tab.
All the users in the exampleDB data store show up as available, but scarter does not show up in the Selected field.
Workaround: Add the operation user=read to the supported LDAPv3 operations in the exampleadminDB data store.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes | 27 |