Installation Information
This section provides information you need to know prior to installing the AAC Manager software.
Hardware Requirements
The AAC Manager runs under HP OpenView on either an HP or Sun workstation that is connected to the AAC device. The AAC device must have firmware revision 3.2. Any additional hardware requirements are the same as those of HP OpenView.
Software Requirements
The AAC Manager requires the HP OpenView SNMP Management Platform release 3.31 and the HP OpenView Network Node Manager.
Network Requirements
The AAC must be connected to the HP OpenView host via a TCP/IP network. No limitation on the physical medium exists provided that the TCP/IP software package is certified to run on the given processor, HP or Sun, and the network software supports TCP/IP.
The AAC Manager also requires an active diagnostic channel connection between the HP OpenView host and the AAC.
You are responsible for ensuring that the AAC device is properly configured and connected to the HP OpenView host.
Environment Requirements
The directory /usr/OV/bin must be included in your PATH environment variable. The
Distribution Media
The ACCULINK Access Controller Manager is distributed on a 4 mm Digital Data Storage (DDS) tape for HP systems and on 3.5″ floppy diskettes for Sun systems.
Software License
The software license contains the serial number assigned to the AAC Manager application software. The serial number is requested when you place a call for support. Please retain this license for future reference and keep it in a secure place.