Transferring Configuration Images
Hardware and software options selected via the Terminal Interface for an AAC are stored in a configuration image on the device. The configuration image can be transferred (uploaded) from the AAC device to the HP OpenView host and stored in a UNIX file. Conversely, a configuration image can be transferred from the HP OpenView host to the AAC device (downloaded). You can use such image transfers to back up the AAC's configuration or to establish or restore the configuration of an AAC in the event of a disaster recovery. Each configuration is specific to the device from which it was uploaded. You cannot download from one AAC to another.
Uploading Configuration Images
To upload the configuration image from the AAC, perform the following steps:
1.Select the map window which contains the AAC that you want to upload from.
2.Select the AAC device symbol on the HP OpenView Map.
3.Open a Terminal Interface window as described in the previous section.
Uploading configuration images requires that you be logged onto the Terminal Interface as either Superuser or Manager.
4.Select Administer±>OneVision Device Mgmt±>AAC Manager±>Configuration Upload/Download.
If you connect to the Terminal Interface using Misc±>Terminal Connect±>Telnet (xterm), you will not be able to upload or download configuration images.
The Upload/Download window appears (see Figure 3).
5.Click on Select.
The File Selection Window appears (see Figure 4).