Management and Provisioning Plane
This level contains the Polycom® RealPresence® Resource Manager component. The RealPresence Resource Manager controls and manages all enterprise management applications and servers such as Authentication, DNS, Email, in addition to client provisioning through the enterprise Management User Interface (UI).
Additionally, this level contains the enterprise Active Directory (AD), which communicates with the RealPresence Resource Manager as well as the RealPresence Virtualization Manager (DMA).
Polycom System Environment Components
This section describes the Polycom RealPresence components that are used in the SVC conferencing solution. Additionally, it describes the component and endpoint interoperability.
RealPresence Access Director
The RealPresence Access Director (RPAD) is an expanded firewall traversal solution that makes it easier for conference participants, inside or outside the firewall, to video conference safely with anyone in the organization, whether they are in a secure environment at the office or an unsecure environment at home or away.
For more information on using the RealPresence Access Director, see the Polycom® RealPresence® Access Director™ System Administrator’s Guide.
RealPresence Virtualization Manager (DMA)
The RealPresence Virtualization Manager (DMA), is the primary server communicating between the endpoints and the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX). The RealPresence Virtualization Manager (DMA) is responsible for managing conferences, call control, and signaling and acting as the conference focus. It communicates with the RealPresence Collaboration Server using the SIP protocol. Additionally, the RealPresence Virtualization Manager (DMA) provides a Northbound REST API for creating virtual meeting rooms (VMR). Enabling