P320W Support Notes
What is the difference between the internal IP and the real IP from my ISP?
Internal IPs are sometimes referred to as virtual IPs. They are a group of up to 255 IPs that are used and recognized internally on the local area network. They are not intended to be recognized on the Internet. The real IP from ISP, instead, can be recognized or pinged by another real IP. The Prestige Internet Access Sharing Router works like an intelligent router that route between the virtual IP and the real IP.
How does e-mail work through the Prestige?
It depends on what kind of IP you have: Static or Dynamic. If your company has a domain name, it means that you have a static IP address. Suppose your company's
If your company does not have a domain name, it means that your ISP provides you with a dynamic IP address.
Suppose your company's
What is the main difference between WinGate and the Prestige?
1.WinGate is a software only solution that needs to be installed in a dedicated Windows 95 PC based server. The total cost and complexity are many times over ATI’s product. The Prestige Internet Access Sharing Router is a
2.WinGate requires all TCP/IP applications such as Netscape Navigator to be reconfigured to have the dedicated server as a proxy. The Prestige Internet Access Sharing Router does not require users to reconfigure any software at all.
3.The Prestige Internet Access Sharing Router uses Network Address Translation (NAT) scheme, which supports all TCP/UDP ports. WinGate only supports limited number of ports, such as http(80), ftp(21), telnet(23), and pop3(110).
4.WinGate works as a proxy, while the Prestige Internet Access Sharing Router works as a gateway. The gateway approach is more efficient than the proxy during the processing of TCP/IP commands. As a result, the Prestige Internet Access Sharing Router achieves 10% to 20% higher performance than that of software solutions such as WinGate.
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