Chapter 6 | Section 6.6 |
Implementing the HTTPS eWay BPEL Sample Projects | Building and Deploying the prjHTTPServer_BPEL Sample Project |
You must make a change in the HTML code shown previously. In the code where it shows:
<FORM ACTION="http://localhost:18001/
HttpServerSample" METHOD=POST>
You must make changes based on your own Environment. The logic for the ACTION parameter is:
http://<IS Server Name>:<IS port>/<Deployment_name>_servlet_ <servlet_url from properties>/<servlet_url from properties>
Project Forms
Figure 36 shows the original form.
Figure 36 Server Sample Project: Original Form
Figure 37 shows the input form.
HTTPS eWay Adapter User’s Guide | 84 | Sun Microsystems, Inc. |