Chapter 7 | Section 7.3 |
Implementing the HTTPS eWay JCD Sample Projects | Building and Deploying the prjHTTPClient_JCD Sample Project |
Creating an Environment on page 103
Configuring the eWays on page 103
Creating and Activating the Deployment Profile on page 104
Creating and Starting the Domain on page 104
Building and Deploying the Project on page 104
Running the Sample on page 104
7.3.1Project Overview
The HTTPS eWay Java
A log file to confirm that the HTTPS eWay correctly requests and receives the result from the desired Web site
An text file written to an external system via an outbound File eWay, to show the returned data and to confirm that the Project is operating correctly.
The Project has the following outputs:
GET Operations: Returns the retrieved data in an .html file.
POST Operations: Posts a name/value pair to a form and writes the same information to an .html file, to confirm the posting.
Figure 46 shows the flow of the sample HTTPS eWay Project.
Figure 46 HTTPS eWay Sample Project (Java Collaboration Based)
In b o u n d F ile
A p p lica tio n
| H T T P (S ) |
| e W a y |
F ile In , to |
H T T P , to F ile |
O u t | O u tb o u n d F ile |
C o lla b o ra tio n | |
| A p p lica tio n |
The location of input and output files are defined by the File eWay properties. By default, the inbound File eWay reads from c:\temp\input*.txt. The default is changed for the Project’s outbound File eWay, which sends the resulting data to c:\temp\output%d.html (%d represents the serial index starting with integer 0).
The HTTPS eWay sample Project demonstrates how the HTTPS eWay processes information from an HTTPS system. Resulting or confirming information is then written to a text file. This scenario is illustrated in Figure 46.
HTTPS eWay Adapter User’s Guide | 97 | Sun Microsystems, Inc. |