WLAN Utility Tool for Win 98/2K
Enable Radio checkbox: Enable/Disable Radio function.
Available Networks: Display the available networks list. You can click “Refresh” button to get the updated list, or choose one available network then click “Configure” button. Now, a Wireless Network Properties dialogue box will appear as below.
Network Name (SSID): Stations which link together should be set to the same SSID.
Wireless Network Key (WEP): – You can decide to use “Data encryption (WEP enabled)” or not. If you enable WEP, you must type the “Key value” and decide the “Key length”, “Format” when the “The key is provided for me automatically” item not be checked. You also have the option to select the “Authentication Type”. Finally, you can set the Wireless Cardbus card be ad hoc mode when the “This is a