Tag Mode : Setting for each port to be Tag port or Untag port for out- bound.
Tag port - All output packets are tagged.
Untag port - All output packets are untagged.
Depending on the received packet type, the rules are applied as follows:
Received untagged packet output to:
Tag port : The packet is inserted with PVID of the input port as VLAN ID and new CRC.
Untag port : The packet is forwarded with no change.
Received tagged packet output to:
Tag port : The packet is forwarded with no change.
Untag port : The VID of the packet is removed and forwarded with new CRC.
1.When VLAN mode is switched from 802.1Q mode to
2.When VLAN mode is changed, current group member ports settings and per port PVID settings are applied to new VLAN mode.