FX 65 Training guide
Be sure to select the angle unit (D, R, G) you want to use before beginning a calculation.
Trigonometric/Inverse Trigonometric Functions
To calculate the sine, cosine, or tangent of the displayed angle.
Example (in degree mode): [30] [sin] (= .5)
To calculate the arcsine, arccosine, or arctangent.
Example (in degree mode): [.5] [SHIFT] [sin] (= 30)
Hyperbolic/ Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
To calculate the hyperbolic sine, cosine, or tangent of the displayed angle. Example (in degree mode): [3.6] [hyp] [sin]
To calculate the hyperbolic arcsine, arccosine, or arctangent of the displayed angle. Example (in degree mode): [30] [hyp] [SHIFT] [sin
Coordinate Conversion
You can convert between rectangular and polar coordinates.
Make sure you are using the correct angle unit (D, R, G) before starting your calculation.
[SHIFT] | Rectangular to polar coordinate conversion | ||
[SHIFT] | Polar to rectangular coordinate conversion | ||
[SHIFT] | Use this operation to switch between the two coordinates produced by the | ||
| conversion operation. |
| |
| Example: | To convert polar coordinates (r = 2, θ = 60) to rectangular | |
| coordinates (x, y). | |
| [2] [SHIFT] | This gives you the x value. | |
| [SHIFT] |
| This gives you the y value. |
Logarithmic Functions
You can find logarithms, natural logarithms, and antilogarithms.
[log] | Calculates the common logarithm of the displayed value. |
| [100] [log] |
[ln] | Calculates the natural logarithm (base e) of the displayed value. |
| [90] [ln] |
[SHIFT] [10x] | Calculates the common antilogarithm of the displayed value, |
| which is 10 raised to the power of the value. |
| [2] [SHIFT] [10x] |
[SHIFT] [ex] | Calculates the natural antilogarithm of the displayed value, which |
| is e raised to the power of the value. |
| [1] [SHIFT] [ex] |
| 9 |
References the Casio | Casio |