Delta Electronics H48SV Features Descriptions, Over-Current Protection, Over-Voltage Protection

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Over-Current Protection

The modules include an internal output over-current protection circuit, which will endure current limiting for an unlimited duration during output overload. If the output current exceeds the OCP set point, the modules will automatically shut down (hiccup mode).

The modules will try to restart after shutdown. If the overload condition still exists, the module will shut down again. This restart trial will continue until the overload condition is corrected.

Over-Voltage Protection

The modules include an internal output over-voltage protection circuit, which monitors the voltage on the output terminals. If this voltage exceeds the over-voltage set point, the module will shut down and latch off. The over-voltage latch is reset by either cycling the input power or by toggling the on/off signal for one second.

Over-Temperature Protection










Figure 16: Remote on/off implementation

Remote Sense

Remote sense compensates for voltage drops on the output by sensing the actual output voltage at the point of load. The voltage between the remote sense pins and the output terminals must not exceed the output voltage sense range given here:

[Vo(+) – Vo(–)] – [SENSE(+) – SENSE(–)] ≤ 10% × Vout

This limit includes any increase in voltage due to remote sense compensation and output voltage set point adjustment (trim).

The over-temperature protection consists of circuitry that provides protection from thermal damage. If the temperature exceeds the over-temperature threshold the module will shut down.

The module will try to restart after shutdown. If the over-temperature condition still exists during restart, the module will shut down again. This restart trial will continue until the temperature is within specification.

Remote On/Off



Vi(+) Vo(+) Sense(+)

Sense(-) Vi(-) Vo(-)

Contact and Distribution Losses

The remote on/off feature on the module can be either negative or positive logic. Negative logic turns the module on during a logic low and off during a logic high. Positive logic turns the modules on during a logic high and off during a logic low.

Remote on/off can be controlled by an external switch between the on/off terminal and the Vi(-) terminal. The switch can be an open collector or open drain.

For negative logic if the remote on/off feature is not used, please short the on/off pin to Vi(-). For positive logic if the remote on/off feature is not used, please leave the on/off pin to floating.


Figure 17: Effective circuit configuration for remote sense operation

If the remote sense feature is not used to regulate the output at the point of load, please connect SENSE(+) to Vo(+) and SENSE(–) to Vo(–) at the module.

The output voltage can be increased by both the remote sense and the trim; however, the maximum increase is the larger of either the remote sense or the trim, not the sum of both.

When using remote sense and trim, the output voltage of the module is usually increased, which increases the power output of the module with the same output current.

Care should be taken to ensure that the maximum output power does not exceed the maximum rated power.


Image 9
Contents OPTIONS FEATURESAPPLICATIONS DATASHEET DSH48SV0503004262006INPUT CHARACTERISTICS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSOUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS CURVES For Positive Remote On/Off Logic For Negative Remote On/Off LogicFigure 8 Output voltage response to step-change in load current 50%-75%-50% of Imax dI/dt = 0.1A/µs.Vin=48V. Load cap 10µF, tantalum capacitor and 1µF ceramic capacitor. Top trace Vout 100mV/div, Bottom trace Iout 10A/div. Scope measurement should be made using a BNC cable length shorter than 20 inch. Position the load between 51 mm and 76 mm 2 inches and 3 inches from the module Figure 13 Output voltage noise and ripple measurement test setup Figure 14 Output voltage ripple at nominal input voltage Vin=48V and rated load current Io=30A 20 mV/div. Load capacitance 1µF ceramic capacitor and 10µF tantalum capacitor. Bandwidth 20 MHz. Scope measurement should be made using a BNC cable length shorter than 20 inches. Position the load between 51 mm and 76 mm 2 inches and 3 inches from the module Soldering and Cleaning Considerations Safety ConsiderationsDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Input Source ImpedanceOver-Current Protection FEATURES DESCRIPTIONSOver-Voltage Protection Over-Temperature ProtectionOutput Voltage Adjustment TRIM FEATURES DESCRIPTIONS CONTHERMAL CONSIDERATIONS Thermal Testing SetupTHERMAL CURVES Thermal DeratingMECHANICAL DRAWING Pin SpecificationName FunctionPART NUMBERING SYSTEM WARRANTYMODEL LIST EFF @ 100% LOAD