Printing your photos
Once you have placed your memory card in the card slot, it takes only a few steps to print your photos.
Step 1: Print an index
The first thing you will want to do is print an index (unless you are using DPOF, in which case you can proceed to Step 3).
When a memory card is placed in the card slot, the printer is ready to print an index...simply press the Print button. If you have changed any of the settings (or you are unsure), you can always remove the card and reinsert it, then press Print.
The index may be several pages long, depending on the number of photos contained on your card (each index page shows up to 25 photos). The index number, filename, date, and time are shown beneath each index photo.
You will use the index number to select the photos you wish to print. If you add or delete photos later, you will need to reprint the index page to see the new index numbers.
Step 2: Select the photos to print
Press the Menu button to access the Photo Select menu. By default, all photos are selected (or all DPOF photos, if a DPOF file is present). If you don’t want to print all the photos, use the following method to select individual photos:
Photo #3 x1
Quantity, or the number of
Photo Index numbertimes the photo will be printed.
1Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to find the index number of the photo you wish to print.
2 Press the Enter button to select the photo.
3The quantity will start to blink...use the Up and Down arrows to increase or decrease the number of times you want the photo to be printed, from
4 Press the Enter button to select the quantity.
Repeat the above steps until you have selected all your photos.