Reflecta SERIES 3000, SERIES 2500AFM Reflecta 2500 AF-IR Reflecta 2500 AF-IR Zoom Accessories

Page 9

reflecta 2500 AF-IR


reflecta 2500 AF-IR Zoom



Short description:


Short description:


Projector bag

Like reflecta 2500 AF, except


Like reflecta 2500 AF-IR, except


Rotary tray (for 100 slides)

Infrared (IR) remote control


Zoom lens:


Interchangeable lenses (zoom, wide angle



or high aperture lenses)

With a button for the forward and backward


3.5 / 70-120mm MC




Slide mounts (with/without glass) and maga-

slide transport and a mount for the optionally







zines (universal, original CS system)

available laser pointer


Item no.:




according to DIN standard



reflecta 2500 AF-IR Zoom ..........Item no. 16902





Projection screens

Item no.:








reflecta 2500 AF-IR ....................Item no. 16802







Projection tables






Image 9
Contents Slide Projection Accessories World of Slides by Reflecta AFM Reflecta 2000-AF SeriesReflecta 2000 AF-IR Reflecta 2000 AF-IR Zoom Accessories Reflecta AFM AFMPage Reflecta 2500 AF Reflecta 2500 AF-IR Reflecta 2500 AF-IR Zoom Accessories Reflecta 3000 IC Dissolve Set 150 Dissolve SETAgomar MC 2.8/55 Agomar MC 2.4/90 Agomar MC 3.5/150 LensesFocal length table Agomar MC 3.5/180Vario-Agomar MC 3.5/70-120 Vario-Agomar MC 3.5/85-150Rotary tray 100 / 100 S MAGAZINES/MOUNTSServicemaster CS Servicemaster CS not shownCS slide mounts CS 2 slide mounts GL/GL-AN slide mounts Viewers Projector bags Halogen lampsMatic Magnifying glass Laser pointer Viewer B36 Viewer B40Viewer B220 Viewer B250 Light panel L1400 Light panel L1800 Light PanelsLight panel L130 Light panel L230 Light panel L300 Light panel L600Folding monitor Tables Projection table DinoProjection table Petro Projection table Carlos Projection table SeniorO D U C T I O N Projection screens Film and slide scanners Item no , reflecta Germany