Mitsubishi Electronics A111 user manual Dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

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Chapter 5 Glossary

Chapter 5 - Glossary

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

This protocol allows a computer (or many computers on your network) to be automatically assigned a single IP address from a DHCP server.

DNS Server Address (Domain Name System)

DNS allows Internet host computers to have a domain name and one or more IP addresses. A DNS server keeps a database of host computers and their respective domain names and IP addresses, so that when a user enters a domain name into the Internet browser, the user is sent to the proper IP address. The DNS server address used by the computers on your home network is the location of the DNS server your ISP has assigned.

DSL Modem (Digital Subscriber Line)

A DSL modem uses your existing phone lines to transmit data at high speeds.

Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (for 802.11b)

Spread spectrum (broadband) uses a narrowband signal to spread the transmission over a segment of the radio frequency band or spectrum. Direct- sequence is a spread spectrum technique where the transmitted signal is spread over a particular frequency range.

Direct-sequence systems communicate by continuously transmitting a redundant pattern of bits called a chipping sequence. Each bit of transmitted data is mapped into chips and rearranged into a pseudorandom spreading code to form the chipping sequence. The chipping sequence is combined with a transmitted data stream to produce the output signal.

Wireless mobile clients receiving a direct-sequence transmission use the spreading code to map the chips within the chipping sequence back into bits to recreate the original data transmitted by the wireless device. Intercepting and decoding a direct-sequence transmission requires a predefined algorithm to associate the spreading code used by the transmitting wireless device to the receiving wireless mobile client.

ThisalgorithmisestablishedbyIEEE802.11bspecifications.Thebitredundancywithin thechippingsequenceenablesthereceivingwirelessmobileclienttorecreatetheoriginal data pattern, even if bits in the chipping sequence are corrupted by interference. The ratio of chips per bit is called the spreading ratio.Ahigh spreading ratio increases the resistance of the signal to interference.Alow spreading ratio increases the bandwidth availabletotheuser.Thewirelessdeviceusesaconstantchiprateof11Mchips/sforall data rates, but uses different modulation schemes to encode more bits per chip at the higherdatarates.Thewirelessdeviceiscapableofan11Mbpsdatatransmissionrate, but the coverage area is less than a 1 or 2 Mbps wireless device since coverage area decreasesasbandwidthincreases.


A111 Wireless Card Adaptor

Image 38
Contents Wireless Card Adaptor User’s Manual A111 Wireless Card Adaptor Disclaimer System Requirements InstallationProceduresInstallation Installation Installing the A111 utilities and driver ClickInstallA111WLANCardUtilities/DriverConfiguring the Wlan utility Quick Start Select Soft AP Mode Soft AP Windows XP OnlyAccess Control Soft AP Access Control and WDSAccess Control and WDS Settings Network Range ExtensionTo disable this function ACT Activity LED Reading the A111 Status IndicatorsLNK Link LED Additional Reference ChapterOverviewReference Windows XP Wireless Options Starting the Control Center manually Using the Control Center TaskbarA111ControlCenter Reference Wireless Status Icons on the taskbar Taskbar Icon Left Menu Taskbar Icon Launch Wireless SettingsReference Taskbar Icon Right Menu Status Status Tab Wireless Settings UtilityStarting Wireless Settings Current Channel Reference Association StateMAC address Current Data RateSave as Profile Activate ConfigurationReference Radio State Frame Sent/Received Frame ErrorStatus Connection Tab Connection QualityStatus IP Config Tab ButtonNetwork Type Config Basic TabAs Wireless LAN Network Name SsidOthers Reference ChannelData Rate Wireless Network Key Config Encryption TabData encryption WEP enabled Default Key Two ways to assign WEP keysReference 64/128-bit versus 40/104-bit Survey Site Survey Tab ButtonsAbout Version Info Tab Exit Wireless Settings Link StateAd Hoc Software Reference Windows XP Wireless Properties Wireless Properties ChapterReference Windows XP Wireless Properties Cannot connect to any Access Points TroubleshootingVerify if the A111 card is installed correctly Verify that the Network Type is in Infrastructure modeBad link quality or bad signal strength Cannot connect to a Station A111 CardGlossary Device Name Default KeyCofdm for 802.11a or 802.11g DSL Modem Digital Subscriber Line Dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDNS Server Address Domain Name System Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum for 802.11bEncryption Extended Service Set ESSEssid Extended Service Set Identifier EthernetIeee Ieee 802.11a 54Mbits/secIeee 802.11g ISP Internet Service ProviderIeee 802.11b 11Mbits/sec InfrastructureNAT Network Address Translation MAC Address Media Access ControlLAN Local Area Network NIC Network Interface CardPreamble Ssid Service Set IdentifierWeca Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance Radio Frequency RF Terms GHz, MHz, HzWlan Wireless Local Area Network WPA Wi-Fi Protected AccessService Contacts Western Australia