King Kutter SP7200 manual Numerics

Page 41


12v triggers 4, 35

16x9 4, 13, 20, 22, 23

4x3 23

4x3 aspect trigger 4


adjusting image 9, 22 Advanced menu 25 altitude limits 33 Aspect Ratio 22 Auto Power 28 Autosource 28


Blank Screen 29 blinking green 11 blinking red 11


cable box 6 cables, optional 33 CCS 25

Ceiling 28

Chime 29 Chroma Detail 25 cleaning the lens 30 CLI commands 38 Color Space 26 color suppression 25 colors are incorrect 14

command line interface commands 38 component cable connector 7 composite video connector 7 computer, connecting 10

connecting computer 10 power cable 7 video device 7

connector panel 4 contacting InFocus 17

customer service contact information 17


D65 colors 9

dimensions of projector 36 Display Messages 28 DVI connector 7


error codes 34


Factory Reset 30

Faroudja video proecessing 25 focus 9

fuzzy image 17


HDTV 6, 20, 22, 35 HDTV sources 26, 27 height, adjusting 8 High Power 28 Horizontal Position 27


Image 41
Contents User’s Guide Declaration of Conformity Safety CertificationsAustralian Certification C-tick mark Trademarks FCC WarningTable of Contents Introduction Projector components and featuresIncluded items EUHDWKWDNLQJLPDJHTXDOLW\‡ WZRFRPSRQHQW5&$ ‡ WZR6YLGHR ‡ RQHFRPSRVLWH5&$ Connector Panel‡ RQH96$++FRPSRQHQWDQGFRPSXWHU ‡ Rqhfrpsrqhqw UhyhdowkhhqwluhvfuhhqPiurpwkhsurmhfwlrqvfuhhq Positioning the projectorVideo connections Video connectionsConnecting the power cable Connecting a video deviceFrqqhfwrurqwkhsurmhfwru Vesafrqqhfwrurqwkhsurmhfwru5HPRYHWKHOHQVFDS Displaying a video imageLpdjhwrdfklhyhixooeuljkwqhvv 3OXJLQDQGWXUQRQWKHYLGHRGHYLFHDqgvkdusqhvvduhsurgxfhg Adjust Picture menuRiwkhorzhusruwlrq 6HHSDJH Irukhoszlwkwkhphqxv\RXUHOHFWULFDORXWOHW Connecting a computer7XUQRQWKHSURMHFWRUWKHQ\RXUFRPSXWHU SupportPower Save Troubleshooting your setupShutting down the projector LED behavior and meaningZoom Image not square Adjust keystone on keypad Color Blinks Red Laptop No computer image, just the words Signal out of rangeOr restart $VLDFDOO,QRFXVLQ6LQJDSRUHDW65 Still having problems?Using the keypad buttons Troubleshooting the remote Using the remote control7KHUHPRWHDOVRKDV ‡ EDFNOLJKWEXWWRQWROLJKWWKHUHPRWH·VEXWWRQVLQWKHGDUNCustomizing the projector Optimizing video images‡ 7XUQRQSRZHUVDYLQJIHDWXUHV ‡ 6SHFLI\WKHPHQXODQJXDJHUsing the menus Lpdjh Picture menuIXOO\VDWXUDWHGFRORU UHPRWHF\FOHVWKURXJKWKHVHRSWLRQVImage input Letterbox image input 169 Aspect ratioVHWWLQJVLQWKHIXWXUHE\VHOHFWLQJWKHDSSURSULDWHXVHUSUHVHWV LQWKHSettingsServicePHQXPresets Advanced Noise reduction Advanced settingsYdoxh Color TemperatureFKDQJHVWKHLQWHQVLW\RIWKHFRORUV6HOHFWDOLVWHG7KHIROORZLQJRSWLRQVDUHIRUFRPSXWHURU+79VRXUFHVRQO\ System Settings menuDgmxvwphqwv ChimeWXUQWKLVRQWRKHDUDVRXQGZKHQWKHPowerEXWWRQLVSUHVVHGPhqxvdqgphvvdjhv LanguageDOORZV\RXWRVHOHFWDODQJXDJHIRUWKHRQVFUHHQGLVSOD\RICleaning the lens MaintenanceService menu Clean the lens WRWKHLUGHIDXOWDIWHUGLVSOD\LQJDFRQILUPDWLRQGLDORJERReplacing the projection lamp Wait 60 minutes Loosen the screw on lamp module Bail wire7XUQRIIWKHSURMHFWRUDQGXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFDEOH RrvhqwkhfdswlyhvfuhzrqwkhodpsprgxohUsing the security lock Resetting the lamp timerAppendix SpecificationsAccessories Projected image size Red LED behavior and projector errorsRed LEDs Red LED Behavior ExplanationProjector Inputs and Outputs Source compatibilitySource Compability 53.7mm 57.8mm 11.3 288.1mm Projector dimensions for ceiling mount installationsCommunication configuration RS-232 terminal specificationsCommand format Setting ValueFunction Command Range Default Supported commandsNPE LANNRE NRLNumerics LED ImagePage Flilfuhtxluhphqwvriwkhhqgxvhufxvwrphu Limited WarrantyHshfwhgodpsghjudgdwlrq FDEOHDUUDQW\LQIRUPDWLRQTo Be Eligible For Limited Warranty Coverage Limited Warranty PeriodTo Obtain Warranty Service Iuhljkwsuhsdlgwrwkhsxufkdvhu