Agilent L4445A
Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver
Data Sheet
•LXI compliance includes
•Control of most popular microwave switches and attenuators
•Expandable with 34945EXT
•Distribution boards allow for easy wiring
•External power option
for simultaneous switching
•Software drivers for
most common programming environments
Microwave switch/attenuator driver offers support of most common microwave switches with distribution boards for easy configuration
The Agilent L4445A is a LXI Class C compliant instrument that controls external switches and attenuators. With its small size and Ethernet connectivity, the switch/attenuator driver can be placed wherever your application needs it.
The Agilent L4445A provides digital outputs to control switches, attenuators, and other devices that are typically used to route signals in a high frequency system. Many of the most popular microwave switches
and attenuators are supported through the distribution boards. The distribution boards enable fast and easy connection to the microwave devices.
Using this LXI instrument, you’ll get all the benefits of an Ethernet connection, instrument Web server, standard software drivers and more. The LXI standard is supported by multiple vendors, enabling lower cost of test with accelerated test integration and development.