Table 29 Safety Compliance
Country | Regulatory Organization | Compliant to: |
Canada | Canadian Standards | CSA C22.2 No. |
| Association (CSA) | Ed. |
EU member nations | Comité Europèen de | IEC 950 / EN60950 (including |
| Normalisation Electrotechnique | amendments A1, A2, A3, A4, |
| – the European Committee for | A11) |
| Electrotechnical |
| Standardization (CENELEC) |
Germany | GS | EN |
Member nations of | IECEE* International | CB Scheme per IEC 950 / |
IECEE* | Electrotechnical Commission on | EN60950 with details and |
| Electrical Equipment (IECEE) | exceptions for each member |
| for Mutual Recognition of Test | country |
| Certificates for Electrical |
| Equipment “CB Scheme” |
Russia | GOSSTANDART (GOST) | CB Scheme |
United States | Underwriters Laboratories (UL) |
* Member nations of the IECEE include Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China (PR), Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA, Yugoslavia.
Quantum | 75 |