CInverter / Generator Input: Connect live to L and neutral to N on the screw terminals. The power source does not necessarily have to be an inverter. It could also be a generator or any other a/c power source. It is simply the channel with the lowest priority. The inverter channel also controls a signal which can be used to isolate your battery charger when the inverter is on line. This is to prevent the inverter operating your charger which can lead to an ever decreasing power loop.
DA/C Ring Main Output: This is the main a/c output, and should be connected to an earth leakage detector of some form (R.C.D) and then to a fused distribution box.
EEarth Connections: All the earth lines are connected to the same point, and this point should be grounded to the boat’s bonding system to comply with European and American regulations.
FBattery Charger Disengage Signal: The Sterling AC Automatic Crossover Switch comes with the ability to shut down the battery charger if it is on the boat’s ring mains. You may wish to use this feature because when the inverter is on line, you certainly do not want to run the battery charger from the inverter. This connection provides a signal to switch a relay which is connected to your battery charger’s a/c input, thus preventing the charger to work at the same time as the inverter.
In order to remove the need to remember to switch the battery charger off every time you start the inverter, you can use a suitable standard 230V (or 110V depending on your setup) relay available from your local electrical wholesaler. Connect the relay to your battery charger’s main feed. The relay energising circuit should then be fed
directly to the AC crossover switch control circuit F . The AC power control circuit is normally in the open position and closes when the inverter circuit is on line. So when the control circuit closes, it will energise your
battery charger control relay O and thereby open the charger relay.
Warning: This is a low power signal only and is not to be used as a power connection! Do not under any circumstances try to feed the main battery charger power directly into the control circuit on the AC crossover switch! The control must be done through a relay (contactor)!
GOnboard Consumer Unit A/C Distribution Board: This should contain your main R.C.D. (earth leakage detector) and fuses for distributing the a/c power around the boat. Note that an R.C.D. is a requirement for any boat with a/c power on board! The Sterling automatic crossover switch is not an R.C.D.
HA/C Generator Input: The maximum current rating of the unit is 32A which is about 7kW at 230V or 3.5kW at 110V. Therefore, if you have a larger generator set, do not direct all the power through the switch!
IShore Power Input Socket: Most European shore sockets are about 16A. The maximum current rating of the automatic crossover switch 32A, so there should not be any problems with most shore power supplies.
JInverter: The maximum current rating of the unit is 32A which is about 7kW at 230V or 3.5kW at 110V. Therefore, if you have a larger inverter, do not direct all the power through the switch! The same applies if a second generator is used instead of an inverter.
KZinc Saver / Galvanic Isolator: Protects the boat from stray electric corrosion coming up the earth cable and destroying the zinc and other metals on the boat. For more information on this, please refer to our web site regarding this highly recommended product which is available from your local Sterling stockist.
LRemote Display: The remote display gives the following basic information:
Green light on: This shows the channel which is currently being used.
Green light flashing: Power is available on this channel, but it is not the power currently being used.
Red light flashing: Fault on p.c.b. Either the relays have become defective, or a internal fuse has blown. It will not show which fuse, and it is up to you to test them, but it will most likely be the shore power fuse.
Red light on: This indicates reverse polarity on the shore power input. It is then up to you what you do about this. We strongly recommend you stop using the a/c shore power until such time as the marina or an electrician has fixed the problem.