support roaming, set the domain identifier (SSID) for the wireless adapter to the BSS ID of the access point to which you want to connect. Check with your administrator for the BSS ID of the access point to which he wants you to connect.
Roaming Wireless PCs
A infrastructure network also supports roaming for mobile workers. More than one access point may be configured with the same SSID to create an Extended Service Set (ESS). By placing the access points so that a continuous coverage area is created, wireless users within this ESS can roam freely. All SMC EZ Connect Wireless adapters and EZ Connect Wireless Access Points within a specific ESS must be configured with the same SSID.
Desktop PC
Notebook with Wireless
PC Card Adapter
Switch | Access Point | <BSS2> |
Notebook with
Wireless USB Adapter
Access Point
Seamless Roaming
PC with Wireless
PC I Adapter
Before setting up an ESS for roaming, choose a location for the access points that maximizes performance (refer to “Using the EZ Connect Wireless USB Utility in Windows 98, Me, and 2000” on page 28 for information on using the “Monitor” and “Site Survey” tools.)