■Chapter 3 Battery Power & Power Management
Suspend Mode
Standby Suspend
The system automatically enters this mode after a period of inactivity, which is set in the Power Schemes dialog box. In Standby mode, hardware devices, such as display panel and hard disk, are turned off to conserve energy.
Hibernate Suspend
In this mode, all system data are saved in the hard disk before powering down. When this mode is activated, all system state and contents are saved to the hard disk drive after a period of inactivity defined by the user. No power or very little power is drawn from the battery module under this mode.
However, depending on how much RAM that have been installed on your computer, the amount of time the system requires to restore all its previous contents can range from 5 to 20 seconds.
For Windows 2000 / XP users, hibernation is handled by the operating system; therefore, no special disk partition or disk file is necessary.
If you wish to activate Hibernate mode, you need enable Hibernate Support in the Hibernate tab of the Power Options menu.