Magnetic Stripe Reader
No drivers are needed.
Testing the Serial Version:
1Insure the MSR serial is connected. (Make a note of the serial port, COM1, COM2, etc. it is connected to.)
2Launch HyperTerminal
3Go to file>new connection and type “MSR” then select OK.
4In the Connect to Menu select Com port used in step one, then select OK.
5In the Connection Property box set the following values:
•Bits per second to 9600
•Data Bits to 8
•Parity to None
•Stop bits to 1
•Flow control to Hardware
The device will immediately display the serial number. Slide any credit card through the MSR to view the data.
Testing the USB MSR Keyboard Emulation
1Plug in the device.
2Open MS Word.
3Slide the card through the MSR to view the data.
Testing the USB-HID Class MSR
1On the CD, browse to Touch Monitor Peripherals\Magnetic Stripe Card
2Open the Readme.txt and follow instructions to test the unit.