Reference Manual for the Model DM602 ADSL Modem
Configuring the Modem in Router Device Mode for an ISP Account with Login
If your Internet service account uses a login protocol such as PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) or PPP over ATM (PPPoA), fill out the menu below.
Figure 4-3. Menu for PPP login accounts
1.Enter the PPPoE or PPPoA login user name and password provided by your ISP. These fields are case sensitive. If you wish to change the login
You will no longer need to launch the ISP’s login program on your computer in order to access the Internet. When you start an Internet application, your modem will automatically log you in.
2.Next, enter the Idle
Note: PPPoE and PPPoA will authenticate with the network when you have data to transmit.The modem will stay connected until you stop transmitting and will then wait for the login
Basic Configuration of the Modem |