Nvision.com, Inc. | Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server |
Migrating Databases
Only MySQL, the most popular database that is used with the VPS servers, is covered.
1.Vinstall the MySQL database by typing the following at the shell prompt:
% vinstall mysql
The vinstall will prompt you whether to install MySQL using the Ports collection or FreeBSD Server style. For convenience, choose the FreeBSD Server style of installation. This will install MySQL and start the MySQL daemon for you.
2.After MySQL is installed, change the password for the root user by typing the following at the shell prompt:
% mysqladmin
In addition, if you have other users you will need to create the extra users at this point with their proper permissions.
3.Create the databases from the FreeBSD Server MySQL database. To do this, type the following at the shell prompt for each database:
% mysqladmin create
4.The last thing to do is do a mysqldump of each database on the FreeBSD Serverand a run the dump file on the FreeBSD v2 Server to add the contents of the database. However, you will not want to create the dump file or import the information from the MySQL database from the FreeBSD Serveruntil you are ready to make your FreeBSD
v2 Server live. For more information on perform a MySQL dump and import go to: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/index.html
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