All Models
Body: Nickel plated steel; optional 316 stainless steel (meets NACE standard
Float: 304 stainless steel (see Table 1 for application data)
Pressure rating: 2000 psig (13.8 MPa) [138 bar] (LS200 models only)
Process connection: 2” NPT
Temperature rating:
Electrical: SPDT std. (see “Electrical” section for configuration/rating.
Wiring: 18 AWG x 36 in. (1.0 mm2 x 916 mm)
Process connection: 2” NPT
DVO valve: 3 way N.C. w/manual operator, all connections 1/8” NPT (minimum 30 psig required)
Filter/pressure regulator set:
Regulator: 0 to 75 psig (0 to 517 kPa) [0 to 5.17 bar] range
Maximum input pressure: 300 psig (2.07 MPa) [20.7 bar]
Process connection: 2” NPT
DVO valve: 3 way N.C. w/manual operator; all connections 1/8” NPT
LS200 N
Process connection: 2” NPT
Vent valve: 2 way N.C. w/ 1/16in. (2mm) orifice and
Viton seat; Inlet: 1/8” NPT; outlet 3/8” NPT
Process connection:
Pressure rating: 1500 psig (10.3 MPa) [103.2 bar]
Float: BUOYGLAS™ operates to 0.5 specific gravity; Optional stainless steel to operate in 0.65 specific gravity
Electrical: SPDT switch
Approximate Shipping Weights and Dimensions
All models: 6 lb. 10 oz. (3 kg);
14 x 5 x
How to Order your Level Switch
Build a complete model number using the diagram to the left. NOTE: Refer to
*Pending Canadian Registration Number OF1476.2 issued by ABSA.
**Not available with DPDT
Warranty - A limited warranty on materials and workmanship for one year is given with this FW Murphy product. A copy of the warranty may be viewed or printed by going to www.fwmurphy.com/support/warranty.htm
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time. MURPHY and the Murphy logo, are registered and/or common law trademarks of Murphy Industries, Inc. This document, including textual matter and illustrations, is copyright protected by Murphy Industries, Inc., with all rights reserved. (c) 2008 Murphy Industries, Inc.