Your Cary Audio Design product was shipped in a carton particularly designed to protect its contents, and special care has been taken to prevent damage during shipping. Carefully remove your new component from its packing carton and examine it closely for signs of shipping damage. If shipping damage is discovered, document the damage with photographs, contact the transport carrier immediately, and retain the packing as evidence.
We strongly recommend saving all original packing cartons to protect your component for storage or future shipping.
Included in the Box(es)
When unpacking your CAD 120S MKII, make sure the following is included:
•Vacuum Tubes
•Power Cable
•Owner’s Manual
•Warranty Card
•Spare Fuses
Warranty Card
If you are the original purchaser of this unit and you purchased it in the United States, fill out the enclosed warranty registration card and return it to Cary Audio Design within 15 days of your purchase. Warranty restrictions apply. Consult the warranty section of this manual for details. Please keep a copy of the original sales receipt from your Authorized Cary Audio Design dealer to validate the warranty if necessary.