Field Name | Description |
BUS Selector | The selector byte of the BUS’s ATM address. |
Call Use | The type of VC (Virtual Channel): |
| • PVC - Permanent VC |
| • SVC - Switched VC |
Configuration Symbol | The version of the module. The version is updated |
| whenever there is a functional modification to the |
| module. |
| For Agent Configuration: The version of the |
| hardware and firmware of the agent. |
Configured ATM prefix | The configured ATM address prefix of the Cajun |
| M770 ATM Device. When the switch is reset, this |
| becomes the Current ATM Address. |
Configured ELAN Name | The name of the ELAN that the management LEC |
| expects to join when it next leaves and |
| the network. This information is sent to the LECS, |
| which uses it to determine the ELAN that the |
| management LEC should join. If you do not specify |
| an ELAN name, the management LEC will join the |
| default ELAN of the type that you specify. |
Configured ILMI Status | The configured state of the ILMI protocol stack. |
Configured Node Id | The identifier of the node within the PNNI domain. |
| Ensure that the Node ID is unique within the |
| domain. |
Configured Node Level | The PNNI hierarchy level in which the node |
| resides. |
Configured Node Peer | The Peer Group ID in which the node resides. |
Group Id |
Configured Signalling | The configured type of signalling to be used by the |
Type | root virtual port. |
Configured Termination | The configured UNI termination on the root virtual |
Type | port. |
CrossConnected Id | Index of the VC in the Cross Connect table. |
52 | Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide |