Innotek ADV-1002E quick start Quick Start Guide, Power Up, Match Components, Adjust the Collar

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Quick Start Guide

ADV-300E, ADV-1000E & ADV-1002E

Step 1 Power Up

COLLAR RECEIVER: Charge the collar 12-14 hours. Be sure to cover the charge jack with the gray plug when done.

HANDHELD TRANSMITTER: Insert two 6v alkaline batteries in the transmitter with the positive (+) side out. Attach antenna to transmitter (ADV-1000E and ADV-1002E).

Step 2 Match Components

EN English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

DE German . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

ES Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

FR French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

IT Italian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

NE Dutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Place test light across skin contacts. Press the “C” button on transmitter, test light will illuminate to show stimulation.

Remove receiver from charger. Collar light will flash a yellow or amber light. Within 30 seconds, press and hold the red “C” (continuous stimulation) button on transmitter. Collar light will pulsate red. The components are now matched and will work together.

ADV-1002 users: Match yellow dog collar to the Dog 1 stimulation button; then repeat process for black dog collar and Dog 2 stimulation button on transmitter.

Step 3 Adjust the Collar

1000 Fuller Drive, Garrett, IN, USA 46738

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© 2003, INNOTEK, Inc. All rights reserved.

0106 2100242-3

Proper Fit: The collar fit should be snug, yet loose enough to


allow one finger to fit between the strap and dog’s neck. Fit is


important because a loose collar may cause inconsistent per-


formance. It’s okay to trim any excess strap length.


Important: Never leave the collar on the dog for more than 12


hours per day.


EN English

. .1

DE German

. .5

ES Spanish

. .9

FR French


IT Italian


NE Dutch



Image 1 Innotek ADV-1002E, ADV-300E, ADV-1000E quick start Quick Start Guide, Power Up, Match Components, Adjust the Collar, 0106
Contents Adjust the Collar Power UpQuick Start Guide Match ComponentsDigital Advanced Trainers Important AdviceModels ADV-300E, ADV-1000E, ADV-1002E Schritt 1 Inbetriebnahme Schnelleinstieg fürSchritt 2 Geräte aufeinander abstimmen Schritt 3 Das Halsband Ihrem Hund entsprechend anlegenADV-300E, ADV-1000E, ADV-1002E Die neusten Trainermodelle mit DigitallogikSo arbeitet der Sender Sendertasten fürPaso 2 Sincronización de los componentes Guía rápida para comenzarPaso 3 Ajuste del collar Beschränkte Internationale GarantieModelos ADV-300E, ADV-1000E, ADV-1002E Modernos collares educativos digitalesAdvertencia Importante Étape 2 Synchronisation des appareils Mise en marche de l’unitéÉtape 3 Réglage du collier Garantía Internacional LimitadaModèles ADV-300E, ADV-1000E et ADV-1002E Dispositifs de dressage numériques avancésConseil Important Passo 1 Accensione Guida di avviamento rapidoPasso 2 Accoppiamento dei componenti Passo 3 Regolazione del collareModelli ADV-300E, ADV-1000E, ADV-1002E Addestratori digitali avanzatiConsigli Importanti Stap 2 Onderdelen afstemmen Snelstart handleidingStap 3 De Halsband regelen Garanzia Limitata InternazionaleModellen ADV-300E, ADV-1000E, ADV-1002E Digitale Geavanceerde TrainersBelangrijk Advies Beschränkte Internationale Garantie Wichtig für den Gebrauch der BatterienInnotek Vorgesehener Gebrauch