Key Digital KD-MSW4X2 operating instructions Introduction

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KD-MSW4x2 Operating Instructions


Thank you for purchasing the KD-MSW4x2 by Key Digital, a state-of-the-art analog HDTV Fat Boy Series 4-Input to 2-Output matrix switcher and distribution amplifier.

Each of its two distinct outputs can be used to drive two separate displays (and audio / surround sound systems), even the most exotic high-end HDTV projectors on the market. One of up to four source input devices (like DVD players, Set Top Boxes, etc.) can be independently and separately selected to drive each display. Switch like a pro in the Studio, with the all-new “Fade-to-Black” and “Video Muting” features that eliminate video “glitches” on the display when switching different inputs. If desired, the unit functions as a distribution amplifier, simultaneously routing any single input to both outputs. Also, the product is expandable.

The KD-MSW4x2 is perfectly suited for studio, home theater, custom installation, retail, and in fact any and all analog HD and SD applications. With analog video bandwidths up to 300 MHz, it handles all HD and SD resolutions (50 and 60 Hz) including 1080p/60, with no degradation in video or audio signal quality. Since the KD-MSW4x2 performs no video or audio processing, the video and audio signals remain pure and untouched, and hence the quality of the output signals is the same as the quality of the input signals.

Typical source input devices that can be matrix switched with the KD-MSW4x2 include:

DVD players

Cable TV, satellite, and terrestrial Set Top Boxes (STBs)

Digital Video Recorders (DVRs)


Electronic game boxes

Personal Computers (PCs)


KD-MSW4x2 Operating Instructions

The KD-MSW4x2 uses RCA jacks for video and audio inputs and outputs, and supports both component video (YPbPr) and RGBHV video formats. Along with the video, it concurrently switches and distributes digital PCM, and analog stereo audio for YPbPr operation only.

The KD-MSW4x2 is simple to operate and control via front panel pushbuttons and LEDs, IR (Infrared) remote control, IR Extender, wired IR, and is compatible via RS-232 with all control systems.

The KD-MSW4x2 boasts a 300 MHz analog video bandwidth due in part to the following custom and proprietary Key Digitaltechnologies engineered into the product to ensure the highest standard of picture quality:

Key DigitalExclusive Technologies

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Contents KD-MSW4x2 Quick Setup Guide Table of ContentsVideo Audio Quick InstallationFront and Rear Panels Typical Input/Output PortControl Connections Additional Product FeaturesIntroduction Distribution Amplifier Application Matrix SwitchingTerminology KD-MSW4x2 Operating Manual Following contents are provided in the cartonWhat’s Included Quick Facts about the KD-MSW4x2 Rear Panel Examine the Front and Rear PanelsFront Panel Connecting A/V Equipment Connecting the Video and Audio Inputs and OutputsDetailed Input/Output Descriptions Zone2RS-232 Control ConnectionsIR Extender Applying PowerWired IR Operation Matrix SwitchingSummary Control and Monitoring Fat Boy Expansion ControlPower On the Unit IR Remote ControlMatrix Switching with the IR Remote Remote Control PushbuttonsKD-MSW4x2 IR Remote Control Function Table RS-232 Commands and ProtocolVideo and Audio Mute RS-232 CableInput/Output Ports and Formats Technical SpecificationsVideo Characteristics Compatible Video SignalsAnalog Audio Characteristics Digital Audio CharacteristicsHow to Contact Key Digital Installation Notes