Figure 8: White amp panel view.
The functionality of the knobs on the front panel of the plugin correspond exactly to the front panel of the real amplifier.
Presence: The presence is used to control the feedback loop and thus the amount of treble in the power amp. Turn it up to get a high frequency boost.
Bass, Middle, and Treble: These knobs are the tone control of the amplifier. This circuit is located after the preamp distortion and is used to shape the sound of the preamp distortion.
“Hey, the bass knob doesn't do anything!” Well, yes it does. But it only affects the sound deep down in the frequencies, and chances are that your studio monitors doesn't output these low frequencies the way a 4x12” cabinet does...
Master Volume: This knob controls the amount of power amplifier distortion. The power amp distortion is usually a little bit dirtier than the preamp distortion and gives a crunchier sound that sounds amazing for chords. Set the Pre Amp Volume to a low setting and turn up the Master Volume to the max to get that typical power amp distortion.
Pre Amp Volume: This knob controls the amount of preamplifier distortion, but since a high output from the preamplifier also makes the power stage distort, this also affects the power amplifier distortion. The preamp distortion is typically much “tighter” than the crunchy power amp distortion. To get a tight preamp distortion, you'll have to turn down the Master Volume while maxing the Pre Amp Volume.
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