Custom signatures | Creating custom signatures |
Example 2: signature to block the SMTP ‘vrfy’ command
The SMTP vrfy command can be used to verify the existence of a single email address, or it can be used to list all of the valid email accounts on an email server. A spammer could potentially use this command to obtain a list of all valid email users and direct spam to their inboxes.
In this example, we will create a custom signature to block the use of the vrfy command. Since the custom signature blocks the vrfy command from coming through the FortiGate unit, the administrator can still use the command on the internal network.
1Custom signature basic format
All custom signatures have a header, and at least one keyword/value pair. The header is always the same:
The keyword/value pairs appear within the parentheses and each pair is followed by a semicolon.
2Choosing a name for the custom signature
Every custom signature requires a name, so it is good practice to assign a name before any other keywords are added.
Use the
F-SBID( --name "Block.SMTP.VRFY.CMD"; )
The signature, as it appears here, will not do anything if used. It has a name, but doesn’t look for any patterns in network traffic. You must specify a pattern for the FortiGate unit to search for.
3Adding a signature pattern
Use the
F-SBID( --name "Block.SMTP.VRFY.CMD"; --pattern "vrfy"; )
The signature will now detect the vrfy command appearing in network traffic. The custom signature should only detect the command in SMTP traffic, however. Any other traffic with the pattern should be allowed to pass. For example, an Email message discussing the vrfy command should not be stopped.
4Specifying the service
Use the
The FortiGate unit will limit its search for the pattern to the SMTP protocol.
Even though the SMTP protocol uses only TCP traffic, the FortiGate will search for SMTP protocol communication in TCP, UDP, and ICMP traffic. This is a needless waste of system resources.
5Specifying the traffic type.
FortiGate IPS User Guide Version 3.0 MR7 |
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