Enterasys Networks E9.1.7.0 manual Release Naming Convention

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A release line is defined by the first two digits in the name, e.g. E9.0 and E9.1. The third digit increments with each release during the development phase of a line. For example, E9.0.7.0 is the seventh development release for the E9.0 line. The fourth digit is incremented with each release during the maintenance-onlyperiod of a release line. Thus E9.0.7.4 is the fourth maintenance-only release for the E9.0 line.

Should a bug fix be required between regularly scheduled releases, a patch release is provided. Patch releases are designated with a trailing letter. For example, E9.0.6.0B is the second patch to the sixth development release of the E9.0 line. E9.0.7.2A is the first patch to the second maintenance-only release of the E9.0 line.

10/02/03 P/N: 9038090-53

Subject to Change Without Notice

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Contents Introduction Customer Release NotesGlobal Support System Firmware Specification System Firmware SpecificationRelease Naming Convention Release Naming ConventionRelease Naming Convention Hardware / Firmware Compatibility Hardware / Boot FIRMWARE/ System Firmware CompatibilityExample Part Description SSR-2-SER SSR-2-SER-AASSR-2-SERC SSR-2-SERC-AASSR-PCMCIA SSR-PS-16-DCSSR-PS-8 SSR-PS-8-DCXP-2-SER-AA XP-2-SERC-AAXP-2-SERCE-AA XP-2-SX-AAAPHY-29IR XP-APHY-21XP-APHY-22 XP-APHY-29IRHardware Requirements Hardware Requirements TableXP-2-HSSI-AA SSR-GLX29-02-AASSR-GLX70-01-AA SSR-GSX21-02-AAER16-SERC-04-AA ER16-HSSI-02-CKER16-SERCE-04-A Network Management Software Support Network Management Software SupportNMS Platform Version Part Number Installation and Configuration Notes Installation and Configuration NotesNEW Features and Enhancements in E9.1.7.0 NEW Features and Enhancements in E9.1.7.0Display of the System Fpga Revision New LineGigabit Ethernet ER16-OS16-01 Part Number Connectivity Description Maximum LengthIssues Resolved in E9.1.7.0 Issues Resolved in E9.1.7.0Hot Swap Internet Protocol IPLayer-4 Link Aggregate Control Protocol LacpRemote Authentication Dial-In Service Radius Remote Monitor RmonSecure Shell SSH Simple Network Management Protocol SnmpTerminal Access Controller Access Control System TACACS+ Spanning Tree Protocol STPSyslog SystemKnown Restrictions and Limitations Known Restrictions and LimitationsUnique Vlan IDs Per Port Number of Ports Per Card Power On Self-Test PostNetwork Management Routing Information Protocol RIP Informational Notes and Statements Informational Notes and StatementsCompliance / Standard Support Compliance SupportIeee Standards MIB Support Lacp Ieee Standards SupportIetf Draft Standards Support Draft No TitleIetf Standards MIB Support ATM MIBIetf Experimental MIB Support Frame Relay Standard SupportFddi Standard Support Enterasys Networks Private Enterprise MIB SupportSnmp Trap Support Enterasys Networks Private Enterprise Trap Support