Troubleshooting Steps
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Problem: How do I verify the IP Address in Windows 9x on the music server is valid?
Troubleshooting measures:
1.) Click Start > Run and type in WINIPCFG.
2.) Click OK.
3.) From the pulldown menu, select the Rio Connector, your third party HPNA card or your Ethernet card.
The IP Address shown should be of the form: 169.254.x.y, where x and y can be any number from 2 to 254.
NOTE: If your computer is part of a network, its IP Address should be identical to the other computers on the network with the exception of the last number.
4.) If the IP Address does not appear like the example given above, follow the directions below to manually set the IP Address.
Problem: How do I manually set the IP Address on the music server?
Troubleshooting measures:
1.) Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
3.) Click the TCP/IP component installed for the Rio Connector your third part HPNA card or your Ethernet card.
NOTE: If there is only one Network Adapter installed, there will be only one instance of TCP/IP.
4.) Click Properties.
5.) On the IP Address tab, click Specify an IP Address.
6.) In the IP Address box, type 192.168.0.x (where x is a number between 2 and 254).
NOTE: the IP Address should be one that is not currently in use by another computer on your network. If your music server is already part of a network, substitute your network’s IP range for the one suggested above. If you are using Windows Me, uncheck the Detect connect to network media box.
7.) In the Subnet Mask box, type
8.) Click OK twice, then click Yes when prompted to restart your computer.
Problem: The Rio Receiver software is not operating because of an incompatible DLL file. What should I do?
Troubleshooting Measures:
When Microsoft shipped its initial release of Internet Explorer 5.0, it came with a file that had an internal bug. Subsequent Releases of Internet Explorer (5.01, 5.5, etc) provide an older file that works correctly. Microsoft’s recommended solution is as follows:
1.) From the Start menu, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then