P/N | Description | Kit Contents | Photo |
CY3203A-CapSense CSA Evaluation Kit
CY3203A- CapSense
•An excellent CapSense learning resource with software, hardware and example projects to help designers learn how to implement PSoC CapSense in their own design using the CY8C20x34 family with
•A training board is included that is hardwired for buttons and sliders as well as LCD control and I2C communication.
•Training board (CY8C20x34)
•PSoC Designer and Example Project CD
•CSA User Module
•Mini Programmer unit
•LCD module
•USB cable
CY3213A- CapSense
CY3213A-CapSense CSD Evaluation Kit
•An excellent CapSense learning resource with software, hardware and example projects to help designers learn how to implement PSoC CapSense in their own design using the CY8C21x34 family with
•A training board is included that is hardwired for buttons and sliders as well as LCD control and I2C communication.
•Training board (CY8C21x34)
•PSoC Designer and Example Project CD
•CSD User Module
•Mini Programmer unit
•LCD module
•USB cable
| CapSensePLUS with USB Evaluation Kit |
| • This new evaluation kit is specifically for the |
| CY8C24794. It includes an evaluation board and |
| MiniProg1 programming unit. |
CY3214- | • The evaluation board features an |
PSoCEvalUSB | (OCD). The OCD allows |
| |
| emulation of the CY8C24794 when combined with an |
| |
| • The board also features USB connectivity and |
| CapSense buttons and slider. Also included on the |
| board is an LCD module, potentiometer, LEDs, an |
| enunciator, and plenty of breadboarding space to meet |
| all of your evaluation needs |
•CY8C24794 Evaluation Board with LCD Module
•MiniProg Programming Unit
•PSoC Designer Software CD
•PSoC Support CD (with CY8C24794 Example Projects)
•Getting Started Guide
•USB 2.0 Cable
Mini-Programmer Evaluation Kit
| • | MiniEval board is a programming and evaluation board |
| that allows socket programming of DIP devices. |
| • | It also includes LEDs and a POT for simple evaluation |
| and demonstration, but does not include a prototyping |
| area. |
CY3210- | • | The MiniProg utilizes a |
| PSoC devices on the MiniEval board or directly on a | |
MiniProg1 |
| |
| target board. | |
| |
| • | The |
| and production programming; however, the small- |
| format plastic enclosure was not designed to withstand |
| the constant use often experienced on a |
| manufacturing assembly line. Cypress recommends |
| the CY3027ISSP as a more appropriate production |
| programming solution. |
•MiniProg Programming Unit
•MiniEval Socket Programming and Evaluation Board
•PSoC Designer Software CD
•Getting Started Guide
•USB 2.0 Cable
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