Cypress’s PSoC Mixed Signal Array comes with
PSoC DesignerTM
At the core of the PSoC development software suite is PSoC Designer. Utilized by thousands of PSoC developers, this robust software has been facilitating
PSoC designs for half a decade at no cost to the1 developer. Download PSoC Designer here: http://www.cypress.com/psocdesigner
System requirements: Pentium, equivalent or higher; at least 500MHz, Windows XP or Vista (32/64b); 512MB RAM, 250MB HDD space, Internet Explorer
6.0 (SP1).1 Also recommended: USB port for 23 programming your PSoC, and an Adobe Reader.
There are three subsystems within PSoC Designer:
Device Editor: Configure PSoC hardware blocks
and IO, route internal signals, and define system parameters.
Application Editor: Write application code in ‘C’
or assembly language. (A fully integrated C compiler is accessible with the purchase of a license.)
Debugger: Use breakpoints, trace, watch variables, advanced dynamic event points and more.
1The Cypress PSoC SW development tools make use of some portions of IE. Other browsers have not been tested.
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