Setting Baud 1, Baud 2
Baud Rate Setup Table
Baud | Decimal | Hex Divisor MSB | Hex Divisor LSB |
Rate | Divisor | (Baud 2) | (Baud 1) |
9600 | 48 | $00 (default) | $30 (default) |
14400 | 32 | $00 | $20 |
19200 | 24 | $00 | $18 |
38,400 | 12 | $00 | $0C |
57,600 | 8 | $00 | $08 |
115,200 | 4 | $00 | $04 |
230,400 | 2 | $00 | $02 |
460,800 | 1 | $00 | $01 |
All baud rates are entered as hex numbers. To calculate your own decimal divisor use the following formula. The decimal number must be converted to hexadecimal before entering the number. Baud rates below 9,600 are not recommended because of the difference in speed between the vehicle bus and PC serial port. Additionally, baud rates faster than 115,200 baud are not supported.
The UART clock = 7,372,800 Hz
Decimal Divisor = Clock frequency ( 7,372,800)
Baud output x 16
If you want a baud rate of 9,600 baud
Decimal Divisor = 7,372,800 9,600 x 16
Decimal Divisor = 48 = 30 hex
Baud 1= 30
Baud 2= 00
HDV100A3 Command & Response | 7 |
B&B Electronics
PH (815)