Connection Status Area Call Status Area
Indicator Area
Watcher™ Basics
Components of the Watcher window
The window has three areas that display messages and icons: the Connection Status Area, Call Status Area, and Indicator Area.
Subject to feature availability, there are several tabs:
•VOICE , with a dial pad for making calls
•DATA , allowing you to connect and disconnect Internet and
•WIFI , allowing you to manage and monitor connec- tions with a WiFi device.
The tabs are along the top right (or along the bottom on Pocket PCs).
A menu bar is located on the upper left side of the window (or along the bottom of the screen on Pocket PCs).
Windows control buttons are in the top right corner.
Toggle Full/Compact Button
Menu Bar
Minimize Button | Close Button |
Control Tabs
Figure 7-1: Watcher data tab with all icons lit (Notebooks, Handheld PCs, and
CE .NET devices)
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