No Action
The relationship between tank and RF Meter will be 1:n (one tank assigned to n meters). Since there will be a relationship between tank and fluid type, the RF Meter will be assigned to one fluid type. Assign the RF Meter to the tank in which it is connected.
Tank No -
Active keys:
Numeric keys, ,
Action: Create hose screen is displayed
Hose ID
_ _
The system will automatically insert the created hose into the next available slot
Note: The Hose ID is the number used to create dispense orders for the meter by the operator.
The supervisor has the option to delete a hose/RF Meter through this screen. This is necessary when there is a change to the system; whereby, a RF Meter needs replacement for any reason.
The supervisor should delete from the keypad the removed RF Meter prior to creating the new RF Meter. This will put the new RF Meter in the same logical position with the keypad and the dispense order process will remain the same.
Delete Hose
Active keys:
Numeric keys, ,
•If a RF Meter is deleted, the Delete Hose screen is displayed
•Enter key with no entry Æ Create Operator screen is displayed