FrogPad USB instruction manual Assign a shortcut key to a symbol PC only

Page 9

Frequently Used International Characters PC & Mac equivalents


á, é, í, ó, ú

Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú à, è, ì, ò, ù

À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù â, ê, î, ô, û

Â, Ê, Î, Ô, Û ã, ñ, õ

Ã, Ñ, Õ ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ

Ä, Ë, Ï, Ö, Ü, Ÿ



å, Å

æ, Æ

œ, Œ

ç, Ç

›, ‹

ø, Ø



[Ctrl] + ['] (apostrophe), then the letter

For CAPS [Ctrl] + ['] (apostrophe), then press Shift + the letter [Ctrl] + [`] (accent grave), then the letter

For CAPS [Ctrl] + [`] (accent grave), then press Shift + the letter [Ctrl] + [^] (caret), then the letter

For CAPS [Ctrl] + [^] (caret), then press Shift + the letter [Ctrl] + [~] (tilde), then the letter

For CAPS [Ctrl] + [~] (tilde), then press Shift + the letter [Ctrl] + [:] (colon), then the letter

For CAPS [Ctrl] + [:] (colon), then press Shift + the letter

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [?]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [!]

[Ctrl] + [@], then a or A

[Ctrl] + [&], then a or A

[Ctrl] + [&], then o or O

[Ctrl] + [,] (COMMA), then c or C

[Ctrl] + ['] (APOSTROPHE), then d or D

[Ctrl] + [/], then o or O

[Ctrl] + [&], then s


[Option] + [e], then the letter

For CAPS [Option] + [e], then press Shift + the letter [Option] + [`] (accent grave), then the letter

For CAPS [Option] + [`] (accent grave), then press Shift + the letter [Option] + [i], then the letter

For CAPS [Option] + [i], then press Shift + the letter [Option] + [n], then the letter

For CAPS [Option] + [n], then press Shift + the letter [Option] + [u], then the letter

For CAPS [Option] + [u], then press Shift + the letter

[Option] + [Shift] + [?]

[Option] + [!]

[Option] + [a or A]

[Option] + [(APOSTROPHE) or Shift (APOSTROPHE)]

[Option] + [q or Q]

[Option] + [c or C]

[Option] + [Shift] + [4], [Option] + [Shift] + [3]

[Option] + [o or O]

[Option] + [s]

Assign a shortcut key to a symbol (PC only)

FrogPad Manual


Image 9 FrogPad USB instruction manual Assign a shortcut key to a symbol PC only
Contents Attaches to Device Just one hand and your FrogPadEasy to learn Left & Right Keyboard Layouts Produce the letter l Lowercase L Letter l Lowercase LFrogPad Key Functioning Pressing Space by itself generates a space Press Symbol again to cancel Symbol ModeIndicated orange key to Simultaneously withFunction key to repeat Function, such as To deactivate, repeat the step aboveImmediately enter desired command such as Copy Pressing the Symbol key and thenSimultaneously pressing the Number key and the GUI Located at the bottom-edge of the T keyAssign a shortcut key to a symbol PC only Key Arrangement Chart RHL Right Handed Layout Visit us online @