Escali 4.4 manual Profiling with Scali MPI Connect, Example

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Chapter 4

Profiling with Scali MPI Connect





The Scali MPI communication library has a number of built-in timing and trace facilities. These features are built into the run time version of the library, so no extra recompiling or linking of libraries is needed. All MPI calls can be timed and/or traced. A number of different environment variables control this functionality. In addition an implied barrier call can be automatically inserted before all collective MPI calls. All of this can give detailed insights into application performance.

The trace and timing facilities are initiated by environment variables that either can be set and exported or set at the command line just before running mpimon.

There are different tools available that can be useful to detect and analyze the cause of performance bottlenecks:

Built-in proprietary trace and profiling tools provided with SMC

Commercial tools that collect information during run and postprocesses and presents results afterwards such as Vampir from Pallas GmbH. See for more information.

The main difference between these tools is that the SMC built-in tools can be used with an existing binary while the other tools require reloading with extra libraries.

The powerful run time facilities Scali MPI Connect trace and Scali MPI Connect timing can be used to monitor and keep track of MPI calls and their characteristics. The various trace and timing options can yield many different views of an application's usage of MPI. Common to most of these logs are the massive amount of data which can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when run with many processes and using both trace and timing concurrently.

The second part shows the timing of these different MPI calls. The timing is a sum of the timing for all MPI calls for all MPI processes and since there are many MPI processes the timing can look unrealistically high. However, it reflects the total time spent in all MPI calls. For situations in which benchmarking focuses primarily on timing rather than tracing MPI calls, the timing functionality is more appropriate. The trace functionality introduces some overhead and the total wall clock run time of the application goes up. The timing functionality is relatively light and can be used to time the application for performance benchmarking.

4.1 Example

To illustrate the potential of tracing and timing with Scali MPI Connect consider the code fragment below (full source reproduced in A-2).

int main( int argc, char** argv )


MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank ); MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size ); /* read image from file */

/* broadcast to all nodes */

MPI_Bcast( &my_count, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); /* scatter the image */

MPI_Scatter( pixels, my_count, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, recvbuf, my_count, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

/* sum the squares of the pixels in the sub-image */

Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide


Image 49
Contents Scali MPI ConnectTM Users Guide Copyright 1999-2005 Scali AS. All rights reserved AcknowledgementScali Bronze Software Certificate II Software License Terms Commencement MaintenanceGrant of License License Manager SupportSub-license and distribution Export RequirementsLICENSEE’s Obligations SCALI’s ObligationsTransfer Title to Intellectual Property RightsCompliance with Licenses Warranty of Title and Substantial PerformanceScali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Vii Limitation on Remedies and LiabilitiesMiscellaneous Proprietary InformationGoverning Law Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Table of contents Profiling with Scali MPI Connect Appendix a Example MPI code Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Scali MPI Connect product context ChapterProblem reports Scali mailing lists SMC FAQ SMC release documentsSupport Platforms supportedAcronyms and abbreviations How to read this guideLicensing FeedbackNIC Typographic conventions Terms and conventionsGUI style font Typographic conventions Scali MPI Connect components Description of Scali MPI ConnectSMC network devices Network devices Direct Access Transport DATShared Memory Device Ethernet DevicesUsing detstat Using detctl3.2 DET Infiniband Myrinet4.1 GM 5.1 IB6 SCI Communication protocols on DAT-devicesChannel buffer Eagerbuffering protocol Inlining protocolTransporter protocol Support for other interconnects MPI-2 FeaturesZerocopy protocol Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide MPI-2 Features Compiling and linking Setting up a Scali MPI Connect environmentScali MPI Connect environment variables RunningLinker flags Compiler supportNaming conventions Running Scali MPI Connect programsBasic usage Mpimon monitor programIdentity of parallel processes Standard input Controlling options to mpimonStandard output Program specNetwork options How to provide options to mpimonMpirun usage Mpirun wrapper scriptSuspending and resuming jobs Running with tcp error detection TfdrRunning with dynamic interconnect failover capabilities Part partDebugging with a sequential debugger Debugging and profilingBuilt-in-tools for debugging Using built-in segment protect violation handlerAssistance for external profiling Debugging with Etnus TotalviewCommunication resources on DAT-devices Controlling communication resourcesChannelinlinethreshold size to set threshold for inlining Using MPIBsend Using MPIIsend, MPIIrecvGood programming practice with SMC Matching MPIRecv with MPIProbeUser interface errors and warnings Error and warning messagesFatal errors Unsafe MPI programsMpimon options Prefix Giving numeric values to mpimonPostfix Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Example Profiling with Scali MPI ConnectTracing Using Scali MPI Connect built-in trace+relSecs S eTime where AbsRank MPIcallcommNamerankcall-dependant-parameters whereExample FeaturesTiming Using Scali MPI Connect built-in timingMPIcallDcallsDtimeDfreq TcallsTtimeTfreq Commrank recv from fromworldFromcommonFields Using the scanalyzeCommrank send to toworldTocommonFields where Count!avrLen!zroLen!inline!eager!transporter! whereFor timing This produces the following report Using SMCs built-in CPU-usage functionalityScali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Automatic buffer management Tuning communication resourcesBenchmarking How to optimize MPI performanceCaching the application program on the nodes First iteration is very slowMemory consumption increase after warm-up Collective operationsFinding the best algorithm Programs in the ScaMPItst package Appendix aImage contrast enhancement Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Original File formatWhy does not my program start to run? When things do not work troubleshootingAppendix B Why does my program terminate abnormally? Why can I not start mpid?General problems Appendix C Per node installation of Scali MPI ConnectInstall Scali MPI Connect for Direct Ethernet Install Scali MPI Connect for TCP/IPInstall Scali MPI Connect for Myrinet ExampleInstall Scali MPI Connect for SCI Install Scali MPI Connect for InfinibandInstall and configure SCI management software License optionsTroubleshooting Network providers Uninstalling SMCScali kernel drivers Troubleshooting the GM provider Troubleshooting 3rdparty DAT providersScali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Bracket expansion Appendix D Bracket expansion and groupingGrouping Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Related documentation Appendix EScali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide List of figures Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide Transporter protocol IndexSSP