first things first
help tools
We’ve developed this book and its companion poster to help you learn about your notebook and how to use it, but other tools are also available.
The provided quick setup poster includes all of the steps you need to get started.
This user’s guide provides detailed information about your notebook and basic instructions for its use and care.
Online help is included in the software preloaded on your notebook.
You can find the latest information about your notebook and get help on the following websites:
eMachines home page: ht tp://w w w.emachines.com
North America support page:
United Kingdom support page: ht tp ://w w w.pcser vicecall.co. uk
In North America, our telephone help desk is staffed from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. (PST), seven days a week. In the United States, call us at
In the United Kingdom, our telephone help desk is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call us at