Color depth | 16.7 millions colors | 16.7 millions colors |
Color Gamut | 83% (typical)* CIE1976 | 83% (typical)* CIE1976 |
*[E1910/E2210] color gamut (typical) is based on CIE1976 (83%) and CIE1931 (72%) test standards.
Resolution Specifications
Model | Dell E1910 Flat Panel Monitor | Dell E2210 Flat Panel Monitor |
Horizontal scan range | 30 kHz to 83 kHz (automatic) | 30 kHz to 83 kHz (automatic) |
Vertical scan range | 56 Hz to 75 Hz (automatic) | 56 Hz to 75 Hz (automatic) |
Maximum preset resolution | 1440 X 900 at 60 Hz | 1680 x 1050 at 60 Hz |
Supported Video Modes
Video display capabilities (DVI playback)
480i/480p/576i/576p/720p/1080i/1080P (Supports HDCP)