Curtis AR-B1682 operation manual Watchdog Timer Configuration, PIIX4 Driver Setup

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WIN95: The first step is to execute the INTEL\95\SETUP.EXE in DISK#4, the system will update the driver automatically, the next step is to reboot the system, and then the driver of PIIX4 CHIPSET will be installed to the system correctly.

WINNT: The first step is to execute the INTEL\NT\SETUP.EXE in DISK#4, the system will update the driver automatically, the next step is to reboot the system, and then the driver of PIIX4 CHIPSET will be installed to the system correctly.


This section describes how to use the Watchdog Timer, including disabled, enabled, and trigger functions. The AR-B1682 is equipped with a programmable time-out period watchdog timer. You can use your own program to enable the watchdog timer. Once you have enabled the watchdog timer, the program should trigger the I/O every time before the timer times out. If your program fails to trigger or disable this timer before it times out, e.g. because of a system hang-up, it will generate a reset signal to reset the system. The time-out period can be programmed to be set from 1 to 255 minutes.



Watchdog Register

Time Base

Counter and



















Watchdog Block Diagram

The diskette includes a Watch Dog Zip file. In the file, there are several execution programs written in different forms.

The sub-directories of the file are:

(1)Library and Test Program written in Assembly Language

(2)Library and Test Program written in Turbo C++

3-3-1. Watchdog Timer Setting

The watchdog timer is a circuit that may be used from your program software to detect system crashes or hang-ups. LED1 on this CPU board is the watchdog timer indicator, which is located at the upper-right corner above the 5-pin multi-function connector. Whenever the watchdog timer is enabled, the LED will blink to indicate that the timer is counting. The watchdog timer is automatically disabled after reset.

Once you have enabled the watchdog timer, your program must trigger the watchdog timer every time before it times out. After you trigger the watchdog timer, it will be set to non-zero value to watchdog counter and start to count down again. If your program fails to trigger the watchdog timer before time-out, it will generate a reset pulse to reset the system.

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Contents Version ~ Page ii ~ Copyright Notice Acknowledgements ~ Page iv ~ U㿺 薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅薅藜薅耟薅薅薅薅薅 庆蚽强栾头学 Introduction Introduction About this ManualSystem Specification Safety Precautions Hardware Configuration Connector Jumper & Connector Quick Reference TableSwitch & Jumper Jumpers and CAP HOW to SET JumpersComponent Locations DOC Memory System Clock Select and CPU SettingDOC Memory Mapping Selection JP6, JP7 DOC 2000 SEG SW1DC00H OFF OFF DisableCOM2 CONNECTORCN12 COM1 CONNECTORCN24COM1 COM1 Connector, DB9 male connector COM2 COM2 ConnectorReset SWITCHCN18 External Keyboard & Mouse CONNECTORCN23Power LED & Keylock CONNECTORCN13 IR CONNECTORCN5Hard Disk Drive Connector Floppy Disk Drive CONNECTORCN6FDD Floppy Disk Drive Connector IDE1 Hard Disk Drive ConnectorCN1SA2 IDE2 Hard Disk Drive ConnectorCN7SA1 HD LED a Not UsedLCD Connector 36BITCN9+CN11 LCD Connector 24BITCN9CN9 PIN Assignment GND Shfclk FLM GND Enablk VEE~ Page 15 ~ Watchdog CONNECTORCN17 VGA CRT CONNECTORCN19External Speaker HEADERCN20 PIN Function Assignment TPTX+ Not Used Tprx TPRX+System FAN Power CONNECTORCN27 Printer CONNECTORCN2Power on Connector for ATX Power SUPPLYCN15 Power Control CONNECTORCN4CPU FAN Power CONNECTORCN26 Scsi CONNECTORCN3Universal Serial BUS Connector CN14 DOC 32pin Disk-on-chip Socket Clear Cmos FUNCTIONJ4Dram Bank Configuration Dimm Total Memory Memory InstallingSoftware Utilities WIN 95 Scsi Driver Setup WIN95 VGA SetupWIN NT Scsi Driver Setup RemarkPIIX4 Driver Setup Watchdog Timer ConfigurationWatchdog Timer Enabled Watchdog Timer Disabled ~ Page 26 ~ AMI Bios Setup ~耟Page 28 ~ Amibios Hiflex Setup Utility Version Bios Setup OverviewDate & Time Setup Standard Cmos SetupFloppy Setup Hard Disk SetupQuick Boot Advanced Cmos SetupTry Other Boot Devices Floppy Access ControlBootUp Num-Lock HDD Access ControlPassword Check Boot to OS/2 64MBInternal Cache Hit ‘DEL’ Message DisplayExternal Cache Cache Bus ECCAdvanced Chipset Setup Memory Hole at 15-16 MB ATX Power Supply ControllerUSB Function USB Keyboard/Mouse Legacy SupportPower Management Suspend Time Outminute Restore on AC/Power LossThrottle Slow Clock Ratio Modem Use IO PortPCI/PLUG and Play PCI IDE BusMaster PCI VGA Palette SnoopDMA & IRQ Reserved Memory SizePeripheral Setup Load Default Setting Password SettingReset, Power, Sleep Button AUTO-DETECT Hard DisksBios Update Bios Exit~ Page 43 ~ Appendix a Component Side PIN Assignment GND CH CHK MEMCS16 Sbhe ResetIRQ10 IRQ9Picmg BUS PIN Assignment ~ 47 ~耟 Appendix B IRQ Assignment Interrupt MAPCode Assignment RTC & Cmos RAM MAPTimer Channel Map Timer & DMA Channels MAPDMA Channel Map IBM SdlcMap I/O & Memory MAPMemory Map ~ Page 53 ~ Trouble Shooting Memory Verifying Error Memory Address ErrorReboot Error Memory Size has Changed