Creative Labs GB0050 Getting More Information, 3D Blaster Annihilator, Creative BlasterControl

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Getting More


3D Blaster Annihilator 2


The Help file for 3D Blaster Annihilator 2 MX gives a brief introduction to the features supported by this graphics card.

To open the Help file for 3D Blaster Annihilator 2 MX

Click Start, select Programs, select Creative, click on Help.

Creative BlasterControl

The Help file for Creative BlasterControl shows you how to use the BlasterControl utility to customize


your screen resolution, color depth, and refresh rate in Windows.



To open the Help file for BlasterControl



Click Start, select Programs, select Creative, select BlasterControl4, click on Help.


To open Help topics specific to a BlasterControl module



In the BlasterControl module, click the Show Help Window


LAVA! Player

The Help file for LAVA! Player shows you how to use the multimedia player. To open the Help file for LAVA! Player

Click Start, select Programs, select Creative, select Creative LAVA!, click on LAVA! Help.

3D Blaster Annihilator 2 MX 11

Image 11
Contents Contents Introduction 3D Blaster Annihilator 2 MX Installation GuideZzzfuhdwlyhkhosfrp Preliminary step for Windows 95 users6WDQGDUG9*$PRQLWRURUPXOWLIUHTXHQF\9*$PRQLWRU KduggulyhDssursuldwhvorw Installing Your Graphics CardTo install the graphics card 5HSODFHWKHFRPSXWHUFRYHUDQGSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUGLQWRWKHZDOORXWOHW Windows 95 Retail version Installing SoftwareQWKH6HOHFW2WKHU/RFDWLRQGLDORJERW\SH Windows 95 OSR version 2.0 and laterRoorzwkhlqvwuxfwlrqvrqwkhvfuhhqwrfrpsohwhwkhvhwxs 7XUQRQ\RXUV\VWHP LQGRZVDXWRPDWLFDOO\GHWHFWVWKHJUDSKLFVFDUGWindows Windows Me Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack Windows Changing Settings LAVA! Player Getting More Information3D Blaster Annihilator Creative BlasterControlArchitecture Highlights Technical Specifications3D Features Utilities 2D FeaturesVideo Features Drivers640x480 Refresh RatesCause TroubleshootingCenter Other Display ProblemsDisplay Type button or the Advanced Properties button 6ROXWLRQ Lvdeohwkhpxowlprqlwrurswlrq Problem with OpenGL ApplicationsWdeehgsdjhdsshduv 6ROXWLRQ 6HWDORZHUUHVROXWLRQDQGFRORUGHSWK6HOHFW&KLSVHWHDWXUHV6HWXSDQGSUHVVQWHU WkdvehhquhvroyhglqlqgrzvDxvh 7KH%,26VHWWLQJIRUWKH$*3$SHUWXUHVLHLVOHVVWKDQ0% 5HVWDUW\RXUV\VWHPUhdwl YH QG 8VHU6RIWZDUH /LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW 9HUVLRQ-XQH Safety & Regulatory Information 3D Blaster Annihilator 2 MX