.number) rate (local 7020 600 0845 on Helpdesk Technical hour 24 our call or Gateway Intelligent your with provided Guide Support Product the to refer network, your about have may you questions other and email, configuring problems, connection resolving on information additional For
.Express Outlook as such program email an open email, your connect or check To .Netscape or Explorer Internet as such browser web a open simply Web, the surf To .internet the to connected now is computer your and Gateway Intelligent the to computer primary your of installation the completed just have You Congratulations!
.CD Installation 1800HG BT the on folder Documents the in Guide User’s Gateway Intelligent the to refer details, operating and installation full on information get and network your to computers additional connect To .installation your complete to page web the on instructions the follow and code key your as
You will have been provided with 2 different usernames, a network login username and
a primary username. When making your connection to the internet through the Intelligent Gateway use the Network Login username and password provided.
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Manual setup
Recommended for customers connecting to an existing Local Area Network.
Install your ADSL filters on each telephone socket on which you intend
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Open your browser and type ‘home/setup’ (no www. is required).
You have just completed the installation of your primary computer to the Intelligent Gateway and your computer is now connected to the internet. To surf the Web, simply open a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape. To check or connect your email, open an email program such as Outlook Express.
.provided password and username Login Network the use Gateway Intelligent the through internet the to connection your making When .username primary a and username login network a usernames, different 2 with provided been have will You
For additional information on resolving connection problems, configuring email, and other questions you may have about your network, refer to the Product Support Guide provided with your Intelligent Gateway or call our 24 hour Technical Helpdesk on 0845 600 7020 (local rate number).
16/9/05 16:06:08 |