4 - Verifying Installation
Once the Rocket RAID 2220 host adapter and hard disks have been installed into the chassis,
1.Power on the system. If the system detects the presence of the adapter, the RocketRAID 2220 BIOS will be displayed.
2.Press Ctrl+H to access the RocketRAID 2220 BIOS Utility.
The BIOS Utility will display information about hard disks attached to the adapter. Make sure all attached disks are detected by this utility. If any of the hard disks are not detected, power down the system and check the power and SATA cable connections.
5 - Single-RAID Cross Adapter
The RocketRAID 2220 is capable of supporting RAID arrays created between hard disks attached to multiple host adapters. Up to sixteen hard disks can be assigned to a single RAID array, and these disks can be attached to as many as four separate RocketRAID 2220 host adapters. This feature is referred to as
Each RocketRAID 2220 provides two jumpers dedicated to this feature (JP1 and JP2), and a single cross- adapter cable designed for use with these jumpers. JP1 is a 3
Example installation:
For a