When triggering from an acousticdrum, that is using a contact pick up (transducer)mounted to the head or shell, the same
from pads apply. However, due to extremehead vibrations and resonanceof acousticdrums, keepingthe "factors"under control
is considerablymore difficult. Thesetips should help you in eliminating potential problems.
There are several things to consider when purchasing transducers(triggers),and when mounting them to your drums.
Output Sensitivity
The difference in output levels between transducersis considerableWhile. a really "hot" trigger might work great on
the snare,it may not work as well on a bassdrum. For example, a high sensitivitytrigger will detectthe softer"grace"noteson a
snaredrum and provide the besttrackingin a tight pressedroll. On a bassdrum however,becausethat sametrigger is so sensitive,it may be
When consideringtrigger output sensitivity towards applications,generallythesetips will apply.
1.Use "hotter" triggers for shell mounting. Sensitivetriggers can detectsignalsthrough the shell more accuratelythan others.
2.For direct head mounting use lesssensitivetriggers.When possibleusea trigger that containsa
One of the most important aspectsof triggering is mounting. For any trigger to work properly it must be correctlymounted to the drum. Always usesometype of a foam tape,and make certain the trigger is firmly mounted with little or no movement.In addition to forming a solid foundationfor the trigger,the foam tapealsoactsasa shockabsorberwhich helpsto deterdouble