Xtant X1244 specifications Free Air Resonance 27.8, Volume Acoustic Suspension, 75 Ft3 77.9 l

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X1244 Technical Data Report - Xtant X Series 12" dual 4 Ohm Subwoofer

• Unique Hexagonal Styling - Diseño Hexagonal Unico - Forme hexagonale unique - Einzigartige hexagonale Gestaltung

One piece NBR Surround and Gasket - Juntas y Amortiguación NBR de una sola pieza - NBR d’une seule pièce son surround et joint - BAK Umfeld (Surround) und Dichtung aus einem Guss

Mica-filled polypropylene cone, with aluminum finish - Cono de aleación de Polipropileno con Mica - Cône polypropylene rempli de mica - Mika-gefüllter Polypropylen-Schalltrichter mit Aluminiumüberzug

Custom tooled, die cast aluminum basket - Canasta moldeada de fundición de aluminio - Ouvragé sur commande, panier d’aluminium - Speziell gegossener Aluminiumkorb

Spider Plateau Venting - Ventilación del Panel del Circuito de Suspensión - Conduit plateau Spider - Lüftung zwischen Lautsprechersuspensionen

Laminated, hot pressed, Nomex & Polycotton spider - Circuito de Suspensión de Nomex y Polialgodón - Spider de nomex et de polyester et coton - Laminierte, warmgepresste Nomex- und Polycotton-Suspensionen

Apical Voice Coil Former - Formador Cilíndrico de Bobina de Voz - Gabarit de bobine de voix apical - Sprechspulenkörper

Nickel plated, 8 gauge, spring loaded, compression terminals - Terminales de conexiones niqueladas - Terminals de compression - Galvanisierte, federgespannte Drahtanschlüsse in Drahtdicke 8






Especificaciones - Caractéristiques technique - Spezifikationen

Free Air Resonance





Resonancia de atmósfera libre - Résonance à l’air libre - Free Air-Resonanz

Volume Acoustic Suspension


2.75 Ft^3

(77.9 l)

Volumen de suspensión acústica - Suspension acoustique du volume - Äquivalenzvolumen

Total Q





Q total - Q totale - Gesamtgüte

Electrical Q





Q eléctrica - Q électrique - Elektrische Güte

Mechanical Q





Q mecánica - Q mécanique - Mechanische Güte

DC Resistance




1.93 Ohm

Resistencia de CC - Résistance c.c. - Gleichstromwiderstand

Linear Excursion (One Way)



(13.2 mm)

Excursión lineal (unidireccional) - Course linéaire (unidirectionnelle) - Lineare Auslenkung (eine Richtung)

Effective Piston Diameter



(.2743 m)

Diámetro efectivo del pistón - Diamètre utile du piston - Effektiver Kolbendurchmesser

RMS Power Handling




500 Watts

Potencia máxima efectiva - Gestion puissance efficace - Nennbelastbarkeits-Effektivwert

Total Power Handling



2000 Watts

Potencia máxima total - Gestion puissance totale - Nennbelastbarkeits-Gesamtwert

Sensitivity 1W/1m




87.2 dB

Sensibilidad - Sensibilité - Empfindlichkeit

Reference Efficiency





Eficiencia de referencia - Rendement de référence - Bezugswirkungsgrad






Frequency Response



27 - 150Hz

Respuesta de frecuencia - Réponse en fréquence - Frequenzgang

Voice Coil Inductance




3.4 mH

Inductancia de la bobina móvil - Inductance de la bobine mobile - Schwingspuleninduktivität

Gap Height




(10.0 mm)

Altura del espacio - Hauteur du dégagement - Abstandshöhe

Voice Coil Height



(33.0 mm)

Altura de la bobina móvil - Hauteur de la bobine mobile - Schwingspulenhöhe

Voice Coil Diameter




(63.5 mm)

Diámetro del Bobina móvil - Diamètre du Bobine mobile - Schwingspuledurchmesser

Magnet Weight


102 oz

(2892 g)

Imán - Aimant - Magnet







Motor Force




11.80 Tm

Fuerza motriz - Force du moteur - Schwungkraft




.159 mm/N

Cumplimiento - Conformité - Compliance

Total Moving Mass




206.5 g

Masa total en movimiento - Masse totale en déplacement - Gesamte bewegte Masse

Moving Mass of Driver




198.2 g

Masa en movimiento del altavoz - Masse en déplacement de l’étage d’attaque - Bewegte Masse des Subwoofers

Suspension Losses





Pérdidas de suspensión - Pertes de suspension - Aufhängungsverlust

Effective Surface Area


91.6 in^2


Á rea superficial efectiva - Surface utile - Wirksame Oberfläche

Mounting Diameter




(281.0 mm)

Diámetro de montaje - Diamètre de montage - Einbaudurchmesser

Overall Diameter



5/8 ”

(320.7 mm)

Diámetro total - Diamètre global - Gesamtdurchmesser

Mounting Depth



(177.8 mm)

Profundidad de montaje - Profondeur de montage - Einbautiefe

Overall Depth




(192.1 mm)

Profundidad total - Profondeur globale - Gesamttiefe

Speaker Displacement (Inside Box)



(4.4 l)

Desplazamiento del altavoz (caja interior) - Déplacement du haut-parleur (à l’intérieur de la boîte) -Lautsprecherverdrängung (im Gehäuse)

Speaker Displacement (Outside Box)



(1.9 l)

Desplazamiento del altavoz (caja exterior) - Déplacement du haut-parleur (à l’extérieur de la boîte) - Lautsprecherverdrängung (außerhalb des Gehäuses)

*Dual voice coil models measured with coils in parallel


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Contents RMS Power Handling Volume Acoustic SuspensionTotal Power Handling Magnet Weight 102 oz 2892 gVented Enclosure Sealed EnclosureBandpass Enclosure S

X1244 specifications

The Xtant X1244 is a state-of-the-art digital signal processor known for its advanced features and robust performance in high-quality audio applications. This model is particularly designed for automotive environments, making it ideal for car audio enthusiasts who demand exceptional sound quality and precision tuning capabilities.

One of the standout features of the Xtant X1244 is its remarkable processing power, which is facilitated by a high-performance processor. This ensures that audio signals are handled with precision, resulting in minimal distortions and superior sound clarity. The device supports multi-channel processing, allowing users to integrate up to four channels with customizable adjustments for each one. This flexibility means that users can create a tailored audio experience that suits their specific preferences and the unique acoustics of their vehicle.

Additionally, the X1244 comes equipped with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both professionals and hobbyists to navigate its numerous functions. The intuitive graphical user interface provides real-time feedback on settings and adjustments, enabling users to make precise modifications on-the-fly.

A defining characteristic of the Xtant X1244 is its comprehensive equalization options. It features a 30-band graphic equalizer, which allows for fine-tuning of frequency response to achieve the desired sound signature. This level of control is essential for achieving optimal performance across different music genres and listening environments.

Furthermore, the X1244 incorporates advanced sound shaping technologies, including time alignment and crossover controls. Time alignment optimizes the phase relationship between speakers, ensuring that sound waves reach the listener’s ears simultaneously for an immersive listening experience. The adjustable crossover settings enable users to define how frequencies are distributed among different speakers, leading to more precise sound staging and clarity.

The Xtant X1244 also supports a variety of audio formats, making it compatible with different systems and devices. Its robust connectivity options, including digital inputs and outputs, ensure seamless integration with existing audio setups.

In summary, the Xtant X1244 is an exemplary digital signal processor that stands out for its high level of performance, advanced features, and user-centric design. For audiophiles seeking to elevate their car audio experience, the X1244 presents a compelling solution that combines cutting-edge technology with exceptional sound quality.